PLEASE help me with ideas...
Howdy,this message is actually on behalf of my friend. I have the lap-band and am doing well- but my friend had RnY in early April. She is having some problems and I am having a hard time helping her since my needs are a bit differant.
So... she eats next to nothing... she says she has no appetite. I have made her some of the chix salads and shrimp dishes etc. but she will only eat 2-4 ounces/ DAY. Then get the rest of her protein through 3 shakes. I am very worried about her. Yesturday she passed out and it was close to an hour before she was actaully cohearent (I wasn't there so I am not sure of all fo the details). I made her call our Dr. who told her to do a food journal for a week and see what happens. They also told her to start testing her blood sugar.
Any advice would be great.
And any ideas on 'crunchy- healthy' stuff for her to eat (she says she is sick of mush and can't (won't eat cottage cheese, eggs, etc.) imagine eatting like this the rest of her life.
She is regretting having the sugery- but I told her that we have to look forward now- there is no tunring back- and get ther body used to a healthy diet.
Thank you,

She is in starvation mode and if she doesn't start eating, she will be in serious trouble. She should be able to get in at least 800 calories a day with 60 gms of protein. Otherwise, she will be getting sicker. If she hasn't, she really needs to talk to her doc and maybe a dietician and a therapist. Does she throw up or get sick to her stomach? She may have a stricture. I am 15 months out and eat everything. The first 6 months are the worst. After that, she should be able to try different things and figure out what tastes good and what will stay down. How is her wt loss? Wt loss will stall if she isn't eating enough. Below 700 cal puts you into starvation mode and your body will try to keep every calorie.
As far as crunchy, she should be able to do popcorn soon. Also, how about egg/tuna/chicken salad on triscuit? Or on pita chips or baked corn chips?