Why haven't I lost 80 lbs??
Ok, I'm just kidding but it seems like I should lose more than 16 lbs in 2 weeks of not eating
My body should have figured out by now that I would never starve it to death...I mean who fed it all those calories and bulked it up to this weight for times like these? You'd think it would be happy to let go of little of this excess baggage. I've had a few moments where I wasn't sure I was going to survive without eating but I distracted myself and got through them. On Saturday, I walked all the way across town to our town's Jamboree and then back even though I had a ride. That night, hubby and I went to the street dance. They had an awesome band ("All That" for anyone in the area) and we danced
for 3 hours straight. I still wonder how the body has enough fuel to run that long but I felt great (ok, my legs hurt the next day so I took it easy). I only had a diet cola there and I must have sweat out 2 gallons but alas! I still only lost 1/2 a pound. So tomorrow is the bowel prep so that ought to take off a few pounds although I can't imagine there is much in there.
I'm starting to get a little nervous and will just be happy when it's all over. My plan is to come home when they release me. We live about an hour and 15 minutes away so it should be alright. Hubby is an EMT and our ambulance service would take me to Sartori if something did go wrong. Mike is going to take a week off of work to help me out and to make sure I do everything right.
See you on the other side, Leslie

Hi Leslie,it souunds like fun,lol!! I am on day 4 of liguid,but i am not on a clear diet i can have cream soups and tomotoe thankfully..i dont eat jello soooo.. at least my belly wasnt growling this morning lol !!Good luck on the 11th ? Sorry if I got the date wrong!!but my prayers will be with you,
here is to a speedy recovery!! Keep in touch!! Lori
6 days and a wake up

Are you sure it is wise to post on the board that you are going against a rule your surgeon has about staying in the area until your first appointment if you live farther than an hour away? The reason I ask is because the drs. read these boards. You know how strick he is on his rules. I would be afraid of him canceling my surgery. Just a thought.
Cindy, when I went for my pretesting with the hospital, the nurse discussed this with me and she said it was okay and so she put down that I would be going home. If, for some reason, I NEED to stay in Cedar Falls, I will but honestly, it's a very big expense to stay in a hotel for one week. My husband would still have to drive back and forth every day to take care of our animals so I would be at the hotel alone for a big part of the day. Dr. G did not say anything about this at our meeting either. I've complied with his orders so far and plan to keep doing so for my own health. At this point, we are just playing it by ear. Thanks for your concern.
I was just concered cause I know how he is. Its good that they wrote it down. I hear you on how expensive it would be. Even through a hotel would give "special rates" it is just too much. You mean your not one of those people who have all kinds of money laying around?? lol. I have the good luck to be from Waterloo and my parents live there. I will be staying with them for my week. I don't know if thats good or not cause my mother drives me nuts! I can only hope the pain meds keep me loopy. Congrats on you upcomming surgery. ~Cindy~
I think you'll be fine going home especially with the training your husband has had. It was good that you cleared it with the office though. I do know of one guy who said he'd stay & then went home, figuring he knew more than the professionals did. I heard Dr G really reamed him when he found out. Just be sure to stop a couple times on the way home to get out & move around a bit. You'll need it. I remember coming home. It was just before deer season & my husband got the dumb idea to ride around to see if he could spot any. Oh, ya, we saw some but bouncing around on the gravel roads didn't help me any.
My husband is not very good at caring for sick people. His idea of caring for me is to bring me home, carry in anything that needs carrying, make sure I get into bed with water, the phone, & remote control close by & then skedaddle out to the barn. Then when anyone comes into the house they check to see if I need anything (or if I'm still alive
.) Actually it has worked very well for us. I don't like anyone hovering over me & would rather be alone when I don't feel well. This next time though, I plan to make him carry my cell phone in case I need something & no one is in the house. I may have one of my sons stay during the time Al is milking & can't get away from the barn just in case I need help getting into & out of bed.
Now about the cleansing, you will be very surprised how much "yuck" is in there. And the antiobiotics the next day may just produce even more!
hang in there, you're almost there.