who enjoyed...
American Idol???
I did.. I've watched all the seasons but the first. We went to "The Beach" today, the water park here in town. The county radio station was airing there and was giving away tickets to American Idol and I WON!!!!!
wooo hooooo.. how exciting. My hubby told me to find 3 friends to take because it wasn't something he was interested in so I'm going to AMERICAN IDOL!!!!!!!!!
Just had to share my wonderful day..
Tracie S..

I like them also,lol!!Thank you for the thought and prayers ..I will take as many as I can get,lol!Today is day 4 of my liguid and PTL I didnt wake up today with my belly growling,lol I got my pre_physical tomorow so I get to (weigh) in..I havent done that for a cple months and I am nervous
I have been bad all summer ,lol Well thank's again!! Lori
6 days and a wake up

Tracie, I also have seen all of them but the first...how funny!!
My husband and I do karaoke sometimes so I just love the talent show type contests. You are so lucky to get to see it in person. It's in Hollywood, right? I've been there more than a few times (I lives out there for 23 years) and I've seen "Price is Right" and "Love Connection". Don't be surprised if the room is a lot smaller in real life than it looks on TV (they pan the room alot so it looks bigger)
4 more days

Yes Ma'am I Sure did!! They are going to be in Des Moines on the 28th of Aug. that's where I get to go!! I'm kinda a reality TV junkie also. Just got done watching hells kitchen and I like the surreal life too! Sometimes I watch The Nanny, but just can't believe it only takes a week to get some of those kids in shape!!!!
I've spent 9 years trying to get mine to listen!
Glad you are doing well after your plastics..
Tracie S..