Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fall off a multiple month plateau? I'm 1 1/2+ years out from surgery and fighting to lose my last 20-30 lbs so I can begin the plastics route. I have actually had a small (is big in my head) 10 lbs weight gain, which I have no clue how I did that one, but I just can't seem to get the scale to go in the right direction. I'm getting just a bit depressed over this also. I noticed my weight gain right after I walked/jogged the Bix last Saturday. I've had some problems all week with my ankles swelling to an enormous size and just not feeling like myself. I've been tracking every morsel that is going into my mouth and I'm eating around 1000-1200 calories, some days just 1000. I don't know if this is too much since where I had my surgery they lack just a bit with support in this area.
I drink my water and get exercise, some days more than others. I just don't know what to do.
Anyone have any suggestions or a magic wand I can borrow???
Hi Kathy Jo.
I would almost bet that a lot of the weight you have gained is water weight. I use to swell up like a balloon.....i quit drinking pop and it went away. Do you drink a lot of pop....loads of sodium in there you dont know about.
My mom also use to swell up too......and hers was high blood pressure. She went to the dr and he gave her some pills to take....and is fine now.
I think it would be a good idea to go see your dr and talk to him about the swelling.
Billie jo
Thanks for your input. I go in spurts drinking pop. Never usually too much in any one stretch of time and as far as other intakes of sodium, when I was induldging in alot of salt on my popcorn, no swelling at all. Now I'm really watching it, I'm ballooning. Go figure. If it doesn't quit I will be going to the Doctor. Only problem with my local is they seem to be "scared" for lack of a better term of me. It's like since having WLS every problem or symtom I have is questioned and requestioned, like I can never be normal again. The cautiousness is accepted but except for my piping we all have the same parts as everyone else. I really should investigate a doctor that is more comfortable with WLS patients.
I will more closely watch my sodium and knock off what little pop I drink and stick to same ol' water, ho hum..

I hate to tell you this.....but a year in a half or so out (which is exactly where you are) is when most go thru a thing called bounce back weight.....for no real apparent reason we gain anywhere from 5-15lbs it seens like where our body likes to be and it rebounds back!!!!! I myself have dealt with a ten pound rebound too
But I will be damned if I am gonna let it stick around.....I think you are fine to consider plastics least get the ball rolling cause who know how long it could take! I have been to the drive-in like 4 times this summer and think about ya everytine I go......Maybe we will see eachother at August support group???? And the more you workout the more calories you need or your body things it is might need to up your calories a bit......well I am off to relax a bit...TTYL~Take Care

It's nice to know this happens to others and I can calm down a bit. I'm with you, I'm not gonna let it stick around either! It was such a shock. Besides this long standing plateau, I never went the "wrong" way on the scale. It also made me look at the nibbles I had been snitching.
Since we moved down by the drive in I ride my bike over there. We haven't made it this year yet but they seem to be having big crowds. When my son and I were coming back home from getting our Bix packets they were lined up all the way on the other highway. It was crazy. I think when they start the movies a little earlier Chris and I will be going during the week. They are busy but not "that' busy.
I will be going this August to the support group come
or high water! Hope I recognize you and Andrea, I bet you bother are lookin' pretty darn good!
Take care and thanks....KathyJo

wow, KathyJo, except for being in the Bix, you could be me! You and Andrea, I don't know about this long distance running & jogging thing. I never could do it. I did walk in a 5K last summer & wouldn't mind doing it again but it will be while I'm recuperating so this summer is out.
I also have not lost much in the last 9 months but just keep plugging away. I haven't experienced the gain that Jesi mentioned & hopefully won't. However I pop up a couple pounds & then back down all the time.
Don't really have any advice since nothing seems to help me. In my case, I just keep getting it cut off. Not a smart way to lose it & definately expensive.
I have been doing water aerobics for well over a year, usualy only 3 days a week. I have been told we need to vary our exercise & I suspect I need to move on to something else. Maybe change what you are doing for exercise will help.
Good luck. It will start again, at least that's what everyone is telling me.

I too have been doing water aerobics but have slacked off this summer due to baseball (my son's) and training for the Bix but have started back. If nothing else it sure helps my abs and arms. I have also been told and have read that you need to change your exercise routine like every 6 weeks. I'm not that creative i guess
to come up with new routines.
I'll just keep plugging away and maybe things will move in the right direction, they have to sooner or later, I hope anyway. If it doesn't by my next appt with my surgeon I'm gonna start the process of plastics regardless. I'll cut it off, maybe that will shock my old body and things will start moving. Lord knows things are moving when I'm trying to jog or walk fast
It's still good to know you all are out here. Thanks so much.

Hey Kathy Jo - so good to see you on here! Huh, I don't have much advice because I seem to be doing the same thing all of the time. Can't get below the 180's and often pop back up to 189. I know for me that that time of month wreaks havoc on my system and I usually gain a few pounds of water weight then. I also know that when I am dehydrated - funny as it may sound - I retain fluids. I trained for the Bix by doing the Bix at 6 several times and jogging at the gym daily, but couldn't run the Bix because of my sister's wedding. One day after doing the Bix at 6, I got on the scale and almost fainted when it said I had put on a couple of pounds. I attribute it to being dehydrated because I pushed the fluids and it came off.
Have you thought of seeing the dietician at the Genesis program? Her name Denise Strathdee. Even though it is no longer a requirement for our program after your one year anniversary, I continue to see her to keep things in check. The phone number for the program is 563-421-8361.
Hang in there and hope to see you at the next meeting or drive-in!
God bless,
I was also just going up and down within a 3 or so pound range for the longest time,then this happened. I have been trying to up the water to flush everything out, think it has actually helped my ankles from swelling, that's quit. I've been weighing every day ( I know, I know) and it's coming off in ounces but I guess that is better than nothing.
I have been tracking all my food with anticipation of taking the info to a dietician to see if I'm doing anything wrong there. I want to get a good couple of weeks of info to take. Thanks for the info, it might be easier to go to one on this side of the river than on the "other side". I'm guessing the Genesis dietician is pretty up-to-date with WLS problems, pretty obvious I'm sure. I've never seen one from my clinic. Go figure, that was something we were just suppose to know to do on our own. Better late than never I guess.
I will be coming to the August meeting, unless it rains and I may be standing out in it then..
Take care and thanks, you guys are all so helpful.