all done with plastics
Howdy everyone! I am doing pretty well.....the pain meds are keeping me comfy. I had surgery Thursday morning at 8:30 and was done by 11 and home by 3ish......The only thing that really bothered me was the nausea, that I wasn't prepared for. I couldn't really eat or drink much that first day.....everything was much better the second day. I had ny first check-up Friday afternoon and was totally shocked to see myself without bandages......I am flat as a board.....the only thing that sticks up on me now is my rib cage. The swelling is good.....the most swollen part is my crotch
The drain isn't bothering me. I was also suprised that I have a belly button still.....I was cut hip to hip and pube bone to breast bone.....Well my hubby set me up on his laptop so I could update...but I am goona head off and relax......Hope everyone is doing well and I want to thank everyone for the well wishes.....with a super big thank you to K-man
Thanks again....and I will be back soon!!!!

Yeah there is a great plastic surgeon who has dealt with a lot of wls patients.....her name is Erin Kennedy and she is in the professional arts plaza right there next to Mercy hospital.......she is awesome and did a GREAT JOB!!! You wanna come over for coffee or crystal light or lunch sometime....I have a butt-load of toys to keep the kids busy.....let me know. Take Care

I'm so happy to hear all is still going well. It was great to hear your voice on Friday & also great to hear you still have your belly button. I know it's dumb to think it's important & it really has no function, but I think it must be pretty weird to not have one. Now, you'll have something to pierce! People keep telling me I should but since I'm relatively old, I don't plan to be showing it, even if it is pretty. You, however, are young. You can get away with it & what a better way to show off that tiny, flat, hard, tummy?