I need some Information PLEASE
I know this is kinda personal but is there anyone in the group who is seking to have the surgery done that has Mental a Illness I have ran in to an issue with a nurse who stated that since my psyc dr didnt answer the way the nurse liked that i might be turned down from this certain program so I am wondering if I am the only one who has had this problem or if some one else has and can give me feed back
Thank you all in advance Sheila
I would think as long as your condition is stable and you are following your Dr's treatment, it shouldn't prevent you from getting approved, as long as you meet the other criteria. The only problem would be if the Dr felt your condition would keep you from being compliant with post op guidelines. Many people, including me. have been treated for depression for years, prior to surgery. Best of luck, and keep us posted. DeeAnn R
Deeann R
this is what Mercy Captital told me yesterday the nurse stated that since I have been treated for deep depression I prob would not be accepted for their program and I stated to her that I take my medications and followup with my Dr on regular basis that there shouldnt be a problem she said that I would be off my medications after surgery no time frame just be without any meds and that she thinks not Dr or medical director the nurse feels I would crash I explained to her that my crashing wouldnt happen till I had went several days maybe even weeks with out med on board we all know it takes time for these meds to get in your system and it would take at lest two weeks in most cases for them to even start to leave your system ( learned that from my dr )and the funny part if she would of read dr notes it that things that could make me crash arent even goingto be in my surroundings but I am going to be seeing some one in DR COSTER'S office maybe they will be wiser then mercy
OK, I went through capital and they were URGING me to get on antidepressant meds immediately post op. I had complications and was not handling the stress and pain well. So I was encouraged to get on a med. to get a grip. So, I did. I took celexa for four months.
Sheila, as long as your meds are liquid, I don't see what the issue is. TALK TO SOMEONE ELSE there. I just think there are some wires crossed somewhere and it is not YOU.
I am on meds now but i am goingto call and see ifthey cant get the meds I am currently taking in liquid form i take a form of muscle relaxer its like 1 mg a day and a anxiety med .5 mg three times a day i see
psyc dr every three months and no episodes at all never missed an appt either so i faxed my dr today and yes i am lokking to Dr.Coster's group right nowI have appt for frist consult so i am rolling with him I just couldnt understand Mercy and I told her take my case to dr's and medical director before she made a statment that may not be the case
The nurses there try to wield power they don't have sometimes.......I got fed up with them sitting on my paperwork trying to tell me I had a weak case for requesting WLS, because my dr. didn't write EXACTLY the kind of letter they were looking for. I got really mad and demanded that they submit my paperwork NOW!!!!! So they did because I got really mad. I was approved within a couple days of them faxing it in to BC/BS. I wanted to say, "see, I told ya so". But I didn't.
I think the important issue is this.....did you get psych clearance for bariatric surgery? if the answer is YES. Insist they send it in. If the answer is no, then why not? Deal with that issue next. That would not be the fault of the nurse at capital. That would be the fault of the psychiatrist. If you feel he made a misjudgement, then get a second opinion.
That seems crazy to me.....I have been on depression meds since highschool....and had no problem getting surgery.....my pysch doctor just had to approve it. I was allowed my anitdepressants the day after surgery as soon as I passed my leak test. Nurses really don't have any say whether or not you can have surgery. And also most anxiety meds are pretty small and you shouldn't have any pronlems swallowing them...Good Luck...TAKE Care