On a positive note, I am one step closer to WLS as I had my psych eval today and the guy said I am a good candidate for the surgery though he has some reservations.
My problem is the reservations that he has. Can I just say that it seems like nothing is a good enough for these people.
First he said that one of his reservations is that I have tried multiple weight loss programs and never had lasting success. OK- seriously what person who is considering this surgery has not tried multiple programs and if they were successful losing weight on their own why would they be pursuing the surgery?
Then he said that in one of the questions he asked that I had explained that the reason it took me so long to decide on the surgery is that I am pretty independant and I wanted to fix this weight thing on my own. He said that he could be off base but that the independance makes him worry that I won't seek help if I need it or won't recognize that I might need medical attention. HELLO- since when is being independant and self reliant a negative personality trait? I told him he was wrong.
I reminded him that I have consulted with my Dr. on almost all of the weight loss programs I have tried and in fact think I am very comfortable with seeking help because I want to be healthy my point was that I did not want to take such drastic action if I could solve this problem with weight on my own.
I just left there wondering- do these people ever think anyone is normal?
I mean come ON! Then I needed to answer a 150 question test designed to determine what my personality traits are. I had to mail that back to him so I guess this is not over yet?
Anyway, I just needed to vent.
I totally get that they want to be sure that someone will be compliant with the lifestyle changes that are mandatory with this surgery. I just find myself wondering where they get off juding every word you utter and making a determination about you in a 60 minute interview.
-OK, off my high horse now
and done venting- thanks for listening.

Oh, he sounds related to the psycho I had. He said he considered me a borderline candidate because I have an anxiety disorder. Duh! And that medical staff would have to pry out of me if anything was wrong. He couldn't be futher from the truth! Anyway, he did clear me and I've done well. He told a friend of mine that she was an alcoholic (she doesn't drink) and that another one would abuse prescription drugs (she won't even take tylenol). Remember, ultimately, it's up to the surgeon to decide, not the pychologist. You should have read my rant after my eval!