I am a little over 2 weeks out. I still have some pain, pulling soreness. I was wondering when everyone started exeercising, how far out where you? I am staying active around the house, and go somewhere and walk everyday ( Walmart, grocery store, ect...) So I am not just lying around. I am really tired still. I can take a nap anytime. I can sleep longer and later than I have in years. Is is normal to be this tired? I was kind of thinking since I had such bad pnuemonia, maybe that is why I am so tired.
But I really do not feel up to exercsing. Is it to early, or should I push myself?
Don't push yourself too much yet, Shelli. I believe that your pneumonia has set you back some as far as exercise goes. I'd stick with the walking for now anyway. That's the best thing for you at this point. Walk some everyday & try to walk a bit farther each day. You need to heal before you can do anything strenuous anyway. Although you only have little incisions, inside you are cut just as much as if you had an open surgery & need to heal. Do too much & it will slow your recovery.
Glad to hear you're doing well. Oh, by the way, you're not eating too much. I'm glad it's gloing so well.
Shelli -- tired is normal. Remember you haven't had any real food in almost a month!! And I'm sure the pnuemonia didn't help either... Don't worrry about exercise for now. Take small walks several times a day -- whatever you can tolerate and get plenty of sleep. As you are able to get a little more protein your energy level will come up. Also, when you're a little dehydrated it will make you tired too and I'm sure at this point you're not able to get all your water in.
As far as actual exercise, Angie told me I could start Curves at 4 wks out -- which I did and everything was okay.
Have you tried FF refried beans? They're good protein and nice and soft. I also liked to melt a little cheese on top!!
Good luck to you and glad you're doing well!!

I am going to wait and start an offical exercise program after we get threw august. Brenna will be back to school then and I can deveote my self to it. Also I think doing short walks for now will build up my endurance.
I am noticing sometimes I feel really good and then the next minute I am so exhausted I could sleep for hours. ( Sometime I do, LOL).
I have not got to try refried beans yet, they are not in my phase. But they sound really good.
Good to hear from you Janie!! My husband and I really enjoyed meeting you!
Hugs Shelli
I didn't go back to wor****il 4 weeks out and then for 2 weeks it was part time. So I went back full time at 6 weeks and I have a desk job. I was just so tired and my incisions were very sore. I still can take a nap at any time during the day. I started to incorporate one glass of Diet Peach Snapple Tea in the morning and that has helped. I don't do as much protein though so I get tired more quickly.
Your body needs to rest and sleep!!! You've just been through major surgery and you're still healing. Don't ever feel bad for needing to take a nap or feeling worn out. Do what your body tells you to do. the first month is critical to get in all the sleep you need. I say this because once you start losing the weight, you're going to feel so good that you're going to want to be out doing more when that time comes. You need to be fully rested!!!

Jen I am glad you can relate to how I am feeling.
I have been having a small glass of ice tea in the afternoon. It does help get me through the day and give me a little pick me up. I have started going ahead and lying down if I feel really exhuasted. One afternoon I slept for 3 hours,, woke up and could not believe I slept that long!! But I did feel good after the nap.