At my appt. Angie ( P.A) told me I will have to supplement protein.
I have benoprotein, which I think is nasty.
Today I tried an Atkins ready to drink. It had 20 grams of protein, 4 carbs, 9 grams of fat, and 170 cal. It went down really well, felt good in my pouch and I think I felt the best I have felt since surgery after I drank it. It tasted good too.
Do you think this should be all right? I only plan on drinking 1 per day.
Dr. G said my protein goal will be 50 grams a day.
I am doing will with cottage cheese and tuna.
I started out on the same ones you did. I did the chocolate, chocolate royale and strawberry. I did tend to tire of them after a couple weeks though. I just found some powder whey protein at Walmart it was only 11.95 for the container and it makes 30 drinks. The calories are only 110 and low in fat and all the others. I can't remember the name but it was body something it is chocolate and mixed with sk milk it tastes pretty good. The Atkins shakes are good but they do get spendy. Good luck and if you have questions on if you are eating too much you should contact the dietician you seen prior to surgery she'll know.
At your stage I also made shakes in the blender w/ice. I used 1 cup skim milk, a carton of yogurt made w/splenda, and protein powder. Just mix all up with ice. It will take you a while to drink that much and you could halve things if you wanted. Later on I also added a handful of frozen fruit (s/f of course) and blended it also.
I also used to use a chopper to do cooked chicken and then mixed it with a few mashed taters (and a little cheese). A nice warm meal and the chicken was an okay thing for that 2nd food phase. Just don't go gung-ho on the taters!
Personally I liked (well sort of) the Nectar drinks (berry cherry and the "green" one.) You can get samples from Susan Maria's web site.

I haven't tried anything but EAS Carb Control shakes...the vanilla is good. I take that back - my husband bought Atkins shakes and they were good. You should be able to have these no problem! Angie told me that the EAS drinks were perfect and 2 a day would help. If you can tolerate the milk based drinks. At first I had problems with that and still cannot drink milk straight. I miss skim milk!!! I don't get enough protein in and my hair is hurting because of it. I'm slowly starting to lose lots of strands in the shower. I need to beef up my protein. I think you're fine doing what you're doing girl!!
I will have to try the EAS drinks. So far I have done well with the Atkins shakes. I drank one tonight and I know I drank it to fast and I got a little nauseated.
Oh I am really hoping not to loose very much hair. My hair is so fine and thin anyway!!! I will be bald if I loose to much! LOL!!
I started taking the Zinc hoping that will help too.