Sleep apnea
You made it this far, and from here on - it's all coasting down hill! I have an APAP and nasal pillows. I feel so much better and it just been one month. We needed to be scared before (and we were clueless
). Now you have the tool in your hands to make it better!
Enjoy your new found friend - the CPAP (no matter how much it annoys you sometimes and it will) and say hello to good night's sleep!

I had sleep apnea. Notice I said HAD? Chances are good that when you lose enough wt, it will go away. For me it was 60 pounds, which was half of what I needed to lose.
No reason to be scared now. You are treating it. The good thing about using the CPAP is that most of the bad stuff that can happen with sleep apnea can be reversed. There is a learning curve to wearing it tho. But once you get the hang of it, you won't want to be without it. No morning headaches, no sore throat, you will wake up refreshed, not feeling like you want to go back to bed.