OT Beautiful Weather
Morning all
I'm loving this weather
Poor Max is getting worn out from the walking! We walked 2 or so miles last night & then I didn't want to stop! Of course it's suppose to heat up again, drat. They are talking a heat up over the weekend but I've been trying to take advantage of the nice weather. Decided I need to move somewhere that has this mid 70s year round

And I so hear ya!!! I love this weather also.....my windows are still open.....I am not the norm I guess.....but I prefer cold over heat ANY DAY! Don't get me wrong.....I love summer for tans and getting to play in the pool.....But I hate HEAT! When your hot it takes a lot of work to cool down....and when I am hot, I am pissy
Or if your house is hot....it stays uncomfortable and takes hours to cool down! But when it is cold....you have excuses to put on warm clothes and cuddle with blankets and the kids, or hubby
I sleep so much better when it is cold! I don't care much for shoveling snow, but thats what Jason is for
I guess thats why my fave time of the year is Fall.....chilly with no snow! Man I am long winded this am!!! Take Care and have a great day

I'm with Tracie. When you find the place, let me know!! Just told my dad the other day that I was moving to where ever the weather was like this year round!!!
And, like Jesi, fall is my favorite season. I can smell and feel the crisp dryness, and hear the rustle of the cornfields.......aaahhhhh.....