6 month post op visit
hi gang
Had my 6 month check up Tuesday afternoon with Angie at dr G's office.. Was a positive experience, for the most part.
First off, my labs were great!! Everything was normal except for my amylase, which was a smidge low, but she said that was normal.
As I posted to Carolyn, good lab results remind me that the scale is not the ONLY number to consider. We discussed the evil crackers. She was glad I ate them with protein (cheese or chicken salad) but agreed with me that they were evil.
She gave me a 'strict order' to JUST NOT BUY THEM!!
But we all know that is easier said than done! Also said popcorn would be better. I can live with that.
Secondly, their scale said I have 'only' lost 88 pounds since surgery, rather that the 108 that my PCP scales say. (110 since last July) Disappointing??? YES. Discouraging??? NO! There is no way I could have lost that without WLS. She would have like to have me closer to 250, but didn't 'scold' me or anything.
She was satisfied with my walking.
Thirdly, we discussed the waves of painful nausea I have been having since Monday. (talk about perfect timing!) It hurts, then burns like an empty tummy. Not a hungery feeling, just 'empty'. Does that make sense??? Been taking Pepcid, but not getting much relief. She said to monitor it for a week and call if it does not improve. Doesn't matter if, or what, I eat. She is thinking ulcer. I am too. And will call Monday morning anyway. I don't foresee it improving, if today is any example. No vomiting, just burning discomfort. Am also very bloated/gassy, and have an excessive amount of spit, which is a 'new development', and I did not think to tell her. Mom (she is an RN) said that can indicate gall bladder problems.
My family and I went to Famous Daves tonight and I did sample the 'Devils Spit' BBQ sauce. Probably not the smartest thing to do, but dang was it goooood..... (I have more on that trip in another post)
So...other than a probable ulcer........life after WLS is good.
hugs to all

Hi Shelia
Yes the "other" numbers are way to important to forget. Especially if you are diabetic. I was one of the lucky ones being able to rid the diabetic/high blood pressure meds. BUT that doesn't mean that later on down the line I won't need them again.
Happy to hear your report was good. All but the pain. Ulcer/gallbladder are the worst thing! Would rather have labor pains!!! If need be would call PC before Monday. No sense suffering with that til Monday. Good luck & keep up the good work
Post what you find out. Such a learning experience for all of us no matter how far out we are.

I hate when scales differ.....puts me in a stinky mood! Just wanna
them all!!! Sounds like you are doing great to me tho!!! I too had to give up crackers and pretzels....they go down WAY to easy and then I crave them and wanna eat them all day.....I do now have popcorn....but I can see where even it could become a problem! I found the other day at HyVEE 100calorie pack microwave Kettle Korn.....the little bag that pops up is 100 calories and therefore I don't feel near as guilty! I do have an ulcer ....I experience the pain and nausea(and the empty tummy feeling)...BUT it goes away when I eat.....Hope you get it all figured out quick and you feel better! But I would bet with your mom, sounds like gallbladder! Best of luck, Take Care and congrats on a great 6 month check-up!!!