Next phase questions??
I will be having my 2 week post op with Angie at Dr. G's on Monday.
What can I expect at this ov? I know I may beable to advance in the diet. How do they determine if you get to advance in your diet?
Also what did you eat, how did it feel, did it hurt to put something solid in that new little pouch. I am kind of afraid to eat. But I want to eat but got to thinking about it tonight and was a little afraid. Could you eat very much or often? What did you start out with?
My mother is dying to know, she wants to feed me. LOL!!! Everytime I have ever been sick, that was her way of taking care of me and mothering me was with food. So she is ready to follow the rules and feed me what every I can. LOL!! I guess if she gets to put a dab of cottage cheese in a bowel and hand it to me she will feel better. LOL!! My mom is such a sweetie and I love her to death, but she is such a classic MOM. It killed her when we got home and she could not get me something to eat. She just did not know what to do with herself. Then she finally said well can I atleast get you something to drink. LOL!!
Thanks Shelli
Morning Shelli
we never out grow taking care of the kids
My first real food was ham salad had a horrible craving for it. Put it on a cracker. Ended up throwing it away as Katie doesn't like it & of course I couldn't eat it all! My pouch didn't hurt or anything like that but had a hard time telling if I was full so was very careful about intake. Good luck & post how you do

Hey good morning.....seems like Dr. G has a great program and I am sure they will let ya know what you can and cant have....and hopefully some of his other patients will help ya out also! I was on clear liquids for a couple weeks....then full liquids....then pureed
.....then soft...with the U of I we couldn't have real food for 6 weeks!! They seem to be the minority tho....most surgeons that I hear of let their patients eat a lot sooner now! Good luck anyways! For me it has been so long ago, I cannot remember what I started with
I remember the first thing that made me
a boca burger!
The things we remember
Your mom sounds lovely....your lucky to have good support.....I love my mom dearly! My mom is the opposite tho.....dont get me wrong she would give me the shirt off of her back and she loves us all unconditionally.....but she is not your typical mom.....she is not very domesticated......growing up my dad did most the when my mom was here.....she'd be like "Culvers has good soup, Arbys soup is okay, I can call Applebees and see what soup they are offering........LOL" Thats how she takes care of us!!! I am not a very good cook either....and I can't sew to save my life...but I am trying to get better.....funny!!! Take Care

It won't hurt, Shelli, as long as you stick with the foods recommended. Angie would faint if the first you tried was ham salad! But like we all know, each doctor allows different foods so ham salad was fine for Carolyn, just not you, yet. That's a few more weeks down the road. I'd stick with the cottage cheese she wanted to give you already, or yogurt, or an egg. Do you still have the list of foods they gave you? I just tried to find mine but can't. Try any of them that sounds good to you. Right now some will not appeal to you. Don't get discouraged if you don't feel well after eating things. Your tummy will be very picky at first. You will probably know after just a couple tiny bites if it doesn't like that partcular food. I can't really describe the feeling. Kind of an "ewww" feeling. Stop then, wait a bit, & try something else. Try that food another day. Start with just a tablespoon full at first.
Don't be surprised if you don't even feel hungry for awhile. I think its our body's way of letting us heal before we give it a workout by eating. There were days at first when I would completely forget to eat a meal. I wish I had that problem now, not feeling hungry, that is. That sensation does return.
I envy your relationship with your Mom. Enjoy her mothering. She has earned the right. My mother was very supportive of me having this surgery & had she survived to see the results, would have been so happy & proud. Dad would have acted just as your mother. I suspect he would have been at the hospital with a chocolate malted in his hand & would not understand why I couldn't drink it. That was his "medicine" he would bring to family & friends in the hospital and it always worked wonders.
Hang in there, Shelli. The first few tries are a bit scary but you'll be fine.
You're doing wonderfully.
Oh I was here just such a short time ago!! I remember liking a dab of COuntry Crock's mashed potatoes (microwaveable) and mixing in some pureed tuna or chicken and putting a little bit of butter and cheese...mixing it all up and only got about 2 bites down until I was full!!! I ate a lot of cottage cheese with pepper. I also ate a lot of eggs with cheese. Anything soft. Then I tried a soft shell taco...I got about 1/4 of the way done and was so full! The first thing I really got sick on was about 6 weeks out and it was Reduced Fat Triscuits. They just sat in my belly like a rock and that's the way they came back up!!!
I'm glad that you have the support of your family with you. I had my husband and was pretty much alone most of the day. I got a little depressed after my second week and I don't know why. I noticed that they show A LOT of food commercials at night. It got frustrating and then I started smoking again
I was afraid to eat too because I wanted to see what it did to my pouch and I didn't have an X-ray machine laying around. I was so worried it was going to stretch out or something would get stuck in my opening. But I did fine. This time is really a learning experience for you. You learn what works and what doesn't. There are some things I can have and be fine (corn on the cob) and other things that are a big no-no (breads). You just find what works and push your fluids. You're doing so well!!!! We're here for you!!!
Big hugs,