The good, bad, and ugly
I will start with the good......I too (like Carolyn) had all my bloodwork drawn by my PCP....almost everything was great
Almost: heres the bad~I am one point away from being anemic again!!!! I hate that!!! I had hoped that would all go away with the hysterectomy last OCt! But now it looks like it just might stick with wonder I was getting all tired and worn out again.....backing to popping the iron
Now for the ugly
I have been feeling like POOP....lots of yucky mucus and head pressure and just junk.....of course I am prone to sinus infections so I went to the doctors office yesterday......YEP, I have a sinus infection, but also strep
just what I need when my plastics are next Thursday!!! And my pre-op bloodwork will be Tuesday and if my white counts are high (as with an infection) they will cancel me......Now I am super scared of plastics.....but I don't want it cancelled!!!!! So I am popping antiboitics and gonna down some extra Vit C and seems I get sick whenever I go into surgery and then it is a race to get better......I hate that!!! Sinus infection also reared its ugly head before to get rid of it......right before my hysterectomy got a nasty rash infection....had to get rid of that.....and now sinus infection again!!!! Oh well.....could be worse!! If you got a minute will you send some healing thoughts my way
Gotta get rid of this junk
Take Care

Morning Jesi
Thoughts & prayers are coming your way. Also chasing off your sinus infection! Knew your surgery was coming up soon but didn't realize I guess how soon. I talked to Don (PC) about plastics also. He will be more than happy to give me a referral & whatever it takes for my tummy tuck. I guess the surgeon handles title 19 with a referral & gets title 19 to cover it. I had some sores going on when I visited so that will probably help get there also. Like you I'm afraid of plastics but NOT that afraid
Get better soon.

Hey lady! Yucky! I'm thinking about you and sending thoughts your way. You'll be fine. You should have enought anti-biotics in you by next week to clear you. I'm hoping!!
Hey have you seen or talked to Andrea lately? I haven't seen her on for a LONG time. Please send her my best if you talk with her.
Glad to hear your blood work was Ok. I get mine done in a couple months and I'm nervous. I hope all is okay. I'm battling constant bladder infections. I had one last month and this week. It's not really an infection though - my ph is 10 and normal people are at 6-7. ??? I just have to pee all the time and it hurts before I go but not during.