I am home!!!
Hi everyone!! I finally made it home. Feeling really good now too. I am still a little sore and short of breath but off the oxygen. my lungs get better everyday!
I had my one week check up with Angie on Monday. The scale was the same as it was before my surg. That was a little disappointing, but they reassured me perfectly normal. Especially since I had so many days of IV fluids.
I want to thank everyone for the well wishes and visits!! It was so nice to meet Colleen and Dixie. Also I got to meet many others at Bishops the night before my surgery, we all had a good time. My husband and I both hope to beable to attend Bishops with the group again,they are an awesome bunch!
Colleen I am loving the Wheel of Fortune!!! Thanks! By the way you look really good!!
Dixie was a God send!! For my husband and I both!! She was always available if we needed her! I felt like my husband was not really alone in Cedar falls. I knew he could call her if things got bumpy. They did get a little rocky at times.
I am doing well getting my fluids in now, and even have developed some interest in actually wanting to eat some thing. Can't wait for Monday, hopefully I will get the green light to phase on to the next diet level.
I take my vitamin everyday and my prevacid.
My pouch seems to prefer room temp liquids or warm things.
Just wanted to update and thank everyone!!! Your all great!
Congrats to those of you who got your dates!!! Good luck! I can already say even with my bumby start, it is worth it!
Welcome home
Glad to see your feling better! Bummer about the pnuemonia part tho.....but your off oxygen thats great!!! I too was a little bummed....actually about passed out when I GAINED after surgery.....but it is totally normal.....by your next check-up you'll be losing! Glad to hear your getting the liquids in....keep it up.....and walk, walk, walk......even if it is just around the living room
Well again, welcome home and glad to have ya back
Take Care

Thanks everyone!!
Dixie the swelling in my foot is gone!!! So I am hoping the scale will have budged a little. I have to go to my primary care provider tomorrow to follow my pnuemonia and my foot, so I will get to weigh tomorrow. I am kind of excited to weigh but afraid the scale will not of moved much at all.
Welcome home Shelli!! I'm sorry this is late. I haven't been online much as it's been so nice out and my daughter has had the flu.
Do you hurt? I was so sore my first few weeks. Did you have your gall bladder out too? I was very sore after my 2 week check up around my incisions.
Oh I'm so glad you're home and doing well. Please keep me posted!!!