Feeling so happy!!!????!!!!
I have just had the greatest two days since making the decision to have WLS.
First, confirmed with my Ins Co that because my BMI meets their min requirements that there are no hoops to jump through and my approval should be automatic- can that be true?
GOSH I HOPE SO. Then figured out what I will have to pay out of pocket and hubby is ok with that- though at first I thought he might faint! This was him-->
LOL!!! Then talked with my boss and she was TOTALLY supportive and said time off will be no problem.
Then was visiting with my folks tonight and the surgery came up and it was all in the open and so comfortable and I felt so supported. I JUST FEEL LIKE THINGS ARE FALLING INTO PLACE PERFECTLY!!
So- why am I absolutely panicked that there is some big huge obstacle that I am about to smack into at full speed?

When things are going great, that's when you worry most about something bad happening! I know when there are no bumps in the road for me I'd better watch out cuz 'the big one' is on it's way!!
Keep a positive attitude and hopefully things will continue!!
Congrats on making the decision it definitely will change your life!!
Good Luck!!
Tracie S..
Hey thats awesome
I would be on cloud nine too!!! The journey is so different for everyone.....some of us have it easier while others have to fight tooth and nail!!! The end result is what matters....hopefully some healthier happy people!!!! I hope your ride is uneventful with no hoops....that would be awesome!!!! Best of luck