
1 Day Down & 9 To Go

Janelle White
on 7/25/05 3:14 pm - Red Oak, IA
I have 1 day of the liquid diet down & 9 days to go & I have 9 days left until surgery next Wendseday...WhoooooHoooooo...Well today went kinda alright...It was a little trying...I was hungry & very bitey with everyone...I even was nice & cooked dinner & that about killed me but I was strong & I made it threw the whole day im so proud of my self...I did also weigh in to day at the hospital im 265 , A few weeks ago I weighed 268 so I lost 3 pounds which is good...I goto my PCP tomorrow for a full presurgery physical...I'm starting to get scared & nervous about surgery & I know thats normal...Like my ANGEL Tracie said just remember why your doing it & it really has helped me alot (((HUGZ))) Tracie & Thanks...
(deactivated member)
on 7/25/05 10:09 pm
You'll be nervous Totally normal.....but you'll be fine...we are all praying for ya I am so glad I didn't have to do a liquid diet thingy for ten days......I would have been miserable and mean.....Good luck to ya!!! But it is all good.....those ten days of liquid are gonna shrink your liver and make it an easier surgery, always a plus ! Make your family chicken noodle soup.....then at least you can enjoy the hot soup part with them.....my fave liquid diet thing...I was on liquids for like 6 weeks after surgery....was s/f f/f butterscotch pudding....man I love that stuff and with a little coolwhip on top.....YUMMY......or even half butterscotch and half chocolate.....give that a try!!! well take care and good luck, you are almost there!!! (((HUGS))) jesi
Janelle White
on 7/26/05 1:59 am - Red Oak, IA
Hiya Jesi...Thanks for the praying I need all I can get...Yesterday was a little hard but not bad,I kept thinking of food so I kept redirecting my brain ( kinda hard some time s lol) But I did it...I hope today goes good,They say it gets bad on the 3-4 day? I dont know but I hope not...Good luck with your upcomming surgery...{{{HUGZ}}} Laterz Janelle
on 7/26/05 1:24 am - Olin, IA
I have to be on clear liquids for two full weeks before surgery ( that starts this Thursday) and pudding is definitely not considered a clear liquid. (darn!) I have lots of homemade broth made up and have stocked up on SF popsicles and jello. I have juice and fruit pops too. It's going to be a long two weeks.... I've given my husband permission to leave the house if I get too grumpy. Leslie
Janelle White
on 7/26/05 2:04 am - Red Oak, IA
Good morning Leslie,Wow you sure are prepared...Why do you have to be on liquids for 2 weeks,& I thought 10 days was bad,But I guess if you really think about it you will only be on it 4 more days than I did,So I will stop complianing it could have been worse lol sorry...I just hope I dont get to grumpy,Because my son & his wife & their 2 kids are staying with me,Because my son works all the time & she is due anyday so I hope she has the baby before I have surgery so I can bee there & I have to keep my grandson John Jr. & my Granddaughter Madison for aa few days while she is in the hospital...Well until next time Janelle
on 7/26/05 3:21 am - Ottumwa, IA
YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! Loves ya.. Tracie S.. 341/297/180
Janelle White
on 7/26/05 10:49 am - Red Oak, IA
Thanks Tracie & I do know I can do it with your support & Bettys
on 7/26/05 12:53 pm - North Liberty, IA
Yeah to you for getting through the first day! Hope you have a great visit with your PCP tomorrow- good luck! -Nan
Janelle White
on 7/26/05 2:19 pm - Red Oak, IA
Hi Nan,I did go to my PCP today & got the thumbs up for surgery...I have gotten day 2 down now & I only have 8 days left WHOOOOOOOOOoHOOOOoo
on 7/28/05 10:51 pm - Kingsley, IA
Hi Janelle!! How is it going?... I start mine on the 5 th but I am not on a clear 1 either!! I think I will be living on tomato soup,lol!!! I also like the slim fast shakes that are pre-made icy cold they are pretty good and they are on my list sooo.....lol Good luck sending prayers your way I am starting to get a lil nervous too !!((Big Hug)) Lori
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