OT: Scary Ride
Wow...what a day. I was on my way home from doing one of my Pampered Chef parties and my tie rod broke on my car.
It was really strange....I went down a road I have never been on before. One of those roads you drive by all the time and wonder where it goes. Well, my curiosty got the best of me. I finally took it and while I was going around a 20mph curve and checking out another road to see if I could take that (this is all on gravel mind you) my car wheels seemed lock up. I got out and looked and moved my steering wheel and the drivers side tire was turned to the inside and was not moving. I took my foot and pushed on the part that was turned out and it moved....pretty sure its not suppose to do that on its own!
Here I am in BF Iowa in the middle of no where.
I turned on my cell phone to call my Hostess for the party I did (who is also a friend of mine) and had her hubby come and get me. As I sit there in the had to be 100 degree heat I got to thinking....what if I hadnt taken this road and was driving down the paved county road at 60 mph when my tie rod broke. I could have really gotten hurt. I had visions of me hitting another car or flipping into the ditch. I then started to shake and cry.
Then got to thinking about how much it was going to cost....then I got mad...LOL
I must have an angel somewhere that is watching over me. I just felt so compelled to take that road today....when i have literally driven past that road hundreds of times.....if not thousands......
So now my car has been towed (big bill on a Sunday i am sure)...and is sitting at the station witha broken leg.....
Kiss for my guardian angel.....
Billie Jo

Morning Billie Jo
Someone above was watching over you. Had you been going down the road at a faster speed well we won't go there. I remember I came out to my folks to have dad check my car it was pulling bad. The tie rod was hanging on by a thread & he came un-glued! Not at me but the fact I had driven 75 mph (speed limit then) & made it alive. Since that day that's the first thing I have checked out! And I'm sure you will also. Happy to see you here
The 100 degree weather was a small price to pay vs what could have been.

Hey Lori...Would love to send you a book. Just email me your address and I will get one right out to you. email me at [email protected]
Cherokee isnt that far from where I am actually.....would even be willing to come and do a kitchen show!
Billie Jo
Billie Jo,
I know first hand how you feel. It is a VERY scary ride. A few years ago, DBF and I went to Florida to try to find a house and settle there. (obviously didn't work out! LOL Long story) Anyway, we were in Mississippi and for the first time, Jeff let me have the lead. Me in my little Honda with him following in his Suburban. We were doing 70 mph and as I went over the bumps up and down on a bridge/overpass, the rods that hold the rear tires straight broke. I fishtailed all over, headed for the ditch, then back towards the median and all I can see is the semi going the opposite way, slamming on his brakes so he doesn't hit me. I stopped in the median, the truck driver stopped on the shoulder, and I am not sure, but I think Jeff was stopped and out of his Suburban before I stopped spinning. VERY Scary and I was soooo afraid of driving that car the rest of the way to FLA. Jeff says he still has nightmares about it, but I don't remember a lot of it so I guess I am lucky there too.
Really made me have a closer look at things that are truly important and helped straighten my priorities a little.
Thanks God you are ok, and hoepfully it won't be too expensive to fix.