Stressful day yesterday
Glad it is over
the day started off good....had a nice walk at 5:30 am....then coffee and pills, and a nice breakfast.....The girls were playing and I was able to relax on the couch and get some reading done. Well about 10am the phone rang and it was my girlfriend....we hadn't talked 5 mins and I heard glass break and my daughter yell.....threw down the phone and headed to their room........They were all sitting on one bed and there ceiling light fixture was shattered throughout the room....I picked them up one by one from the bed and set them out of the room.....apparently they were throwing carebears and well the obvious happened......well as I was lifting my second daughter from the bed she screams that Madi (my youngest who is 4) is bleeding.....sure enough, blood was running down her had cut her from the flying debris or the big girls go to the neighbors while we go to the doctors......she had to have stiches and hated it BIG TIME!!! So all done she gets spoiled and we go to the library in her princess dress and heals (normally I dont let her wear this out of the house) Well it is like 100 degrees out so why they are getting into the backseat of the truck I am up front starting it and turning the air on.....Madi slips and falls between the truck and the curb.....damn highheals........I pick her up and notice blood streaming down her face......freaks me out.....LOTS OF BLOOD And what looks like a huge I pack it with napkins and have my 6 year old hold it tight while I fly to the ER.....hubby meets me there.....this time NO stitches thank was just the top layer of skin got ripped gash to close.....but it bled something terrible.....I was more scared of the face than the that was our day!!!! Needless to say a little stressful!!! Our first time getting any injuries out of all three kids and then in one day two biggies with the same girl
I tell ya!!! So today I will be washing bedding and continuos vaccuming to make sure all the glass is gone....Looking back on it today we are pretty darn could have been a lot worse with the glass, somebody was watching out for us
She is happy as a clam today and thats what matters!!! I hope today is a little smoother
Take Care and have a great one

Well I can relate!! I had a bad headache yesterday so went and had my blood pressure checked out and it was very high, so doc sent me home to relaxe. as I walk in the door, the hosp calls and my 16 year old is there with a bad cut from work. so have to head to hosp and watch him get stiches. Well I hope today, we both have a better day!!!! Jen
Jesi & Jenny,
I hope today will be lots better. Kids are pretty reselient. They bounce back so quickly from something that would lay us out. I'm thinking that as much as I love the library, there's no way I'd be wearing my princess dress & heels right after getting a bunch of stitches. I'd be home pooped out on the couch! She must be a tough little girl.
((((BIG HUG)))) Poor little girl and poor mom!!! Hope your day has gone better today!!..Kids have a way of bouncing back before us Mom's do fotunatly!! With 5 kids..4 of them boys we have seen our share of stitches(1 had to get stitches in his bottom)
he is 18 now and would be upset if he knew that I just told that on the internet!!shhhh ,lol but alls well that ends well they say,lol..Jesi here is too a stressless weekend for ya
Take Care!!

Big hugs Jesi
Can remember Chuck running into the corner of a speaker cutting his forehead. My gf & I had run to the bank her bf was watching the twins. We pull up & he's running out the door with Chuck in his arms. Blood everywhere & off to ER we go. Needed 6 stitches, head wounds are the worse, they always look so bad. Big hugs to the little ones