Info on Cedar Rapids support group?
Hi Colleen
How have you been doing? We haven't heard from you in awhile. I keep saying I'm going to call and see if they are still having support groups at the hospital in Cedar Rapids. I am having my surgery at Sartori in Cedar Falls but I don't think I want to drive that far to a support group. If I find out anything, I'll let you know.
Let us know how you are doing since your surgery.....

I believe Mercy has one. If Elizabeth is listening - I believe she knows.
We have a great group in CF at Sartori -- we meet the 1st Mon nite of the month and you're all welcome to come. The "official" time is 7, but we do an information group at 6:30 and some come as early as 6:15 to visit. We also have another group that meets at 5 on the 3rd Sun of the month at Bishops in Waterloo. This is a really small informal group -- nothing official about it. We just socialize and welcome all to come.
Glad to hear you are doing so well -- doesn't it feel great to be a "loser"!!!

Actually Mercy is now going to be having two meetings a month. Starting in August, the 2nd Thursday of every month from 5 to 7 pm. Then the 4th Tuesday of every month from 630 to 830 pm. It's in the Katz Cardiovascular Center meeting room, just off the newer glass pavillion on the main floor.
Hope more people can attend. It is usually informative and the group we have is pretty good. Lots of support and freedom to say what ever you like.