I have a date!!!
Hi Lyn, not to worry about that "last supper" thing. I was warned by my doctor that I can't weigh more than 5 lbs more than when he weighed me on my first visit and it's been up and down ever since. I had a friend visiting me for 10 days (she left last Monday) and we ate out a lot. I had to have my bloodwork done right after and I was worried but the nurse told me today that my cholestrol was excellent so that's a good thing. I am just going to eat normally for the next week then I will be on the liquid diet. I have never been one to binge so I think I will be okay. I do want to try and walk more but it has been so hot and humid lately, it's hard to make myself get out there. I do swim laps in my little above ground pool...
Thanks for the encouragement....I think I'm ready!!

Thanks Jesi !! Not much left for my doctor to complain about since I'm pretty much done with my testing. They will get some money when I go in for my last "History and Physical" on the 5th.
I still have to watch what I eat even these last 10 days so they don't cancel my surgery because I gained more than 5 lbs. Of course, I would probably lose it on the 2 week liquid diet. I'm really getting excited.......