Countdown off! Surgery put on hold temporarily
Hi all, I have an update. It's good and bad news. I rec'd a call on my answering machine today from my PCP. He is pushing my surgery back because there was an abnormality in my blood draw, so, he wants to try and rectify that before surgery. I was told I would probably be able to reschedule my surgery for next week if all goes well. Hey, at least I lost 13 lbs. on my liquid, I'm glad my PCP is taking these precautions to make sure I will be okay.
Well, surgery date here and gone (sniff sniff)...But, at least I know what is now going on..I spoke w/my PCP today, and he said according to the blood tests from last week, it shows my liver enzymes were elevated. So, he had me come in today for more blood work, and tomorrow I have to have a CT scan on my abdomen. He says my surgeon doesn't think it is from the liquid diet I have been on, so my PCP wants to be thorough. He thinks maybe it could be weight related. I spoke w/my brother today, and he says that elevated liver enzymes run on our mom's side of the family, and he had the same problem...(?????) soooo.....I'm more nervous about this than the surgery..can you believe that?? LOL...Well, I will keep you all posted on everything! Thanks for the support everyone! I luv ya!!
Heya Betty sorry it took me so long to post to you...I want tell you how proud of you I am,And that it was best to find out about any problems before surgery...I also am very honored to be your Angel
Hehehe,And wouldnt it be kewl If I got approved for my surgery & we could have sergery on the same day THAT WOULD BE SO KEWL!!!!!!!!
I also hope your not tired of me calling ya everyday checking on you...And remeber im always a phone call away anytime day or night & do ever forget that...LOVE YA Janelle