Failure hit a small bump on your road to good health. Tomorrow is another day. A new day. You are not a failure, and you are NOT going to be.
I know your post was more about your feelings, rather than the round steak not sitting well, but I wanted to comment.
You could eat the same thing tomorrow and be just fine with it. I have days where food is repulsive, and even my yogurt doesn't sit well. I had a piece of pork roast one night, no gravy, and was just fine. 3 days later I had a piece of pork chop.......uhhh.....nope......
I tend to eat what my pouch 'wants' (and occasionally my head
I find I do better when I eat what 'sounds' good. (as long as it is a 'legal' food with protein). But I do not have a family to cook for, either.
Just my 2 cents worth, in effort to cheer you up.
big hug

I hear ya!!! Tho red meat was the only meat I could handle forever....isn't it crazy how we are all so very different??
Are you on any kind of antidepressant or anything?? Just curious because you sound A LOT like me.....Remember after surgery when we are losing is totally normal to feel crazy, and sad, and upset, whatever......This is how it was explained to me.....there are tons of hormones stored in out fat as we are rapidly shedding weight rushes of hormones are released into our bodies and it effects all of us different......I am 19 months out, so I am passed the hormonal phase, but I too still have rough times......I have an appt at 9:15 this am to get a look at my meds.....I think something needs to get changed as I have been down in the dumps lately also.....I NEED to get feeling better before my plastics!!! I also soemtimes feel like such a failure, especially after a bad eating day
Then everything else seems bad....I too had to quit college becuase of pregnancy......and I too always feel as if I am failing my kids.....we seem to have a lot in common!!! Keep that chin up and your doing great......Take Care

It's always so comforting to hear from you! Hope your apt goes well today and you can get more mentally prepared for your plastics.. Antidepressants don't seem to do anything for me but make me tired or feel like I'm zoned out all the time. So I stopped trying.
Hope you have a wonderous day..
Tracie S..
My program says don't even try red meat until five months out. So, maybe just leave the steak alone for quite a while and next time you try it, it will be A-OK. And i agree with what others have said, after you are a lot further out, something you eat today could make you sick, and tomorrow or next week will be just fine. This is all totally normal. It's not about you being a failure. It's actually about the surgery working like it is supposed to. So, be glad!!
I am 7 months out and can not even touch chicken. But I can eat the filling of a beef taco. Go figure. And like someone else said, i also follow what my hunger cues say to eat. Our bodies are smart. It tells me when I need meat and when I need milk.
And ditto what Jesi said about the hormone issue. I had to take a medicine for four months after surgery to stabilize my mood, as I wasn't handling my complications and my whole new lifestyle very well. I'm off of it now and doing OK.
You are going to be fine (I hated it when people told me that), I promise. It takes time. My brother is 3 years post op and I watched him eat a small piece of birthday cake yesterday and a tiny bit of ice cream on top. I'm not saying we should try eating that stuff, but I am just illustrating the fact that he can eat a normal (SMALL) portion of something normal, like birthday cake, once in a while and be fine with it. Moderation is the key, and the fact he is three years out. But we will all get there too.
Mornin Tracie
Smack smack smack with a wet noodle
Now just because you couldn't tolerate that food doesn't mean you are a failure. Good grief if that were the case then you can bet each & everyone of us here are failures as well!!!!!
The only way you are going to know if you tolerate is to try. Personally I think I would have had finely chopped hamburger instead of steak but darn girl steak sure sounds good. In fact I just tried steak this past week & I'm over a year out!! Don't beat yourself up or you are going to be black & blue & we aren't going to know who you are!!
I have always thought that our pouches are like new-born baby tummies. They can't hold much & they tend to reject alot of foods. One day at a time & alot of patience & you'll be fine.
Big hugs