Today is not a good day.. I've been in a pretty good mind frame until today. I made an awesome Sunday dinner, round steak, potatoes and cream of chicken soup in the crockpot.. well it wasn't done for dinner so we ate it for supper, no biggie. I took a very small piece of meat, potatoes and the gravy and blended it a bit so it was all kinda like gravy. Well apparently I didn't get a pice of the meat ground, I found it and chewed and chewed and chewed and get the picture..until I thought I was safe to swallow it. NOPE didn't settle and everything I had eaten came back up
90% of the time I'm okay. I knew what I was getting myself into before I had the surgery, but today I just feel like a total failure! I'm scared I'm going to fail at this too just like every other failed diet, a failed marriage, couldn't finish college because I got pregnant. I even feel like I fail my children.
Done ranting.. Thanks for listening..
Tracie S..

Hi Tracie,
Although I have not had my surgery yet, I have read a many profiles that said they have eaten things that they were not supposed to. One lady said she had her surgery, 2 weeks before Halloween, and she was eating chocolate on halloween. I think chocolate is worse, you were trying to get in some protein.
Don't feel bad, and don't beat yourself up. Now you know that you can't tolerate these things and with the aftermath
, you probably won't try it again.
Just trust in yourself and say that was a milestone that you got over.
I will be praying that you keep on your diet and you will get down to the size that you want to be.
Your WLS partner,
~~Nissah The F.AT Slayer~~
I weighed myself today and found that I lost 10lbs. All by myself.

Don't get down on yourself. This happens to all of us. During the first months our tummy thinks it needs to keep us on our toes & reacts to various foods differently. This time it decided it didn't like it. Next time you may be fine.
In my experience, I found that beef, other then ground, was very hard to digest for several months. It didn't matter how tender or how long I cooked it in the crock pot, it wouldn't stay down. Even now, 20 months after surgery, I am very careful eating steak. I usually can only eat a bite or two & then get uncomfortable. No big deal, I just eat something else.
It will get better!