havent been able to tell my family....
....because I have bronchitis and have been in bed for two days now.
I am only up now because i hurt so dang bad I cant stand it anymore. I dont think i have ever been so sick.....I have never had bronchitis. Doc put me on the ole Z Pack...and some sort of narcotic cough syrup and i have been taking Alka-Seltzer plus.....so most of the time i am pretty incoherent....lol. But I guess that is not much different then most days then...lol
I did get my stuff in the mail yesterday from Grinnell...wow....loads of information there! I see I am going to have to get working on some of the psych stuff. I think I will just tell my mom and dad this week and take it from there. I plan on giving them the information I got from Grinnell to help explain it all.....
well got to go....just started coughing and peed my pants......sigh.....I dont know how much undies I have left!

Hey Billie Jo.. I understand the anxiety of telling your parents. I just wrote mine a little letter explaing everything in detail, I even included my letter I had wrote to my insurance company so that they would know that this is not just mental but a serious medical problem. I was never so glad to have told my parents anything! They've been nothing but supportive and concerned for me from the day I told them. Grinnell is awesome. Dr. Coster IS awesome. I can't wait for my next appt just to go see him!!
Take care, I hope you get to feeling better!!
Tracie S..