The countdown is almost over!
Okay all, I have 2 days left, and I'm getting antsy. I don't feel nervous at all, just wishing the days would come quicker, now they seem to be. I have been doing okay on the liquid diet, but I get massive cravings for things that I know aren't good for me
from time to time. I also get in a low when I think about what I may never get to eat anymore, is that normal? If it weren't for my Angel,
Janelle, and all of you sweet people, I don't think I would be as strong as I am. Janelle says I am strong for not giving up so easily, but I just tell myself I have worked and fought too hard for this, why should I blow it?
I amaze myself sometimes Please keep me in your prayers and keep sending your words of encouragement. I really appreciate them and enjoy reading them as well. Hugs from my heart!!

BIG ((((HUGZ)))) Betty, I am so PROUD of you & exited for you toooo...I love calling you every day & talking to you ,Its nice to know how you feel & what your going threw it prepares me for when I will someday be going through this...I just wanted to let you know im glad we meet in here & threw Holly,I am very happy that you are in my life...We started out as friends but I feel we are family now...Love Janelle
You are normal. I went thru that also, wondering and thinking I'd never be able to eat whatever again. Rest assured, you will be able to eat almost anything again. Whether or not you should, will be in your hands. I eat everything except pork chops. They tend to come back up. We're all different in our experiences after surgery. You may find that something you've really been craving doesn't really taste all that good when you finally have a taste. Your tastes will change.
This day is almost over and surgery will be here soon. I never did get nervous. In fact, my pastor asked me why I was so calm. I told him that if God had wanted me to stay a fat person, I never would have been approved!