8 months out

Kyle Soukup
on 7/13/05 6:49 am - Coralville, IA
Hi everyone. Question for some of you long timers. I am just over 8 months out, and the weightloss has come screeching to a halt. Which is understandable. But I feel like I need to eat all the time. Granted, it does not take much to fill me. Just ate 3 little mini carrots, and feel yuck, and last night a half a BLT and one ear of corn and was almost to the point of miserable. But normally I can eat a coolwhip container full of slad for lunch, and what seems like constant nibbling. Have some of you hit these level spots and broken through? Also, do you feel like you pounch can stretch? That is what mine feels like, and wondering if I have or not. I have read where it can, and can't that much, so not sure. I have about 40 more pounds to go to be to my ideal weight, and work out everyday doing either cardio or lifting. Just wondering if my pounch needs to be un-stretch. Also, anyone hear of the "cottage cheese" test? I know I can eat half a container over a half hour, and that concerns me. Any thoughts?
on 7/13/05 10:19 am - Central IA, IA
Cottage cheese test - if you have a digital scale, measure out 4-6 oz of cottage cheese. Eat it just as fast as you can until you are full. Weigh what is left. However much you ate until you were full is the size of your pouch. If you don't have a digital scale, start with a new container of cottage cheese (a small one). Eat fast until you feel full. Pour in a measured amount of water up to the level the cottage cheese was - that is the size of your pouch. Probably any of us could eat a half a container over a half an hour. But just because you can doesn't mean you should, right? Most of u**** a plataeu (or however you spell that evil word) about where you are. You have to be very diligent with what you are eating, drinking, and how much you are exercising. You still should be able to lose. Go back to the basics, protein, water, movement. Measure you food. We all fall into that trap. We all struggle to get out of it. The first six months is the honeymoon period. The weight seems to fall off without even trying. Then, you start trying different foods. At least most of us (yes Michelle, I'm talking about you!) start to branch out in what we are eating. We go off program and try a little bit of this or that. Well, gee, I didn't get sick from that, so maybe I'll try (fill in the blank). And the vicious cycle begins again. Be vigilent at this time. You probably haven't really stretched your pouch. I still can only eat about 3 oz of cottage cheese fast before feeling full. But if you eat really slowly, you can graze all day long and start to gain the wt back. My doc says 20 mins tops for a meal. Otherwise you will overeat. You need to eat fast enough for your pouch to be full and send the signal that it's time to stop. If you eat too slowly, everything just passes thru. Or eat only a measured amount. When that's gone, you're done. This will continue to be a life long struggle. The surgery fixes our tummies but not our brains. That takes a little longer. Several of us are struggling with those issues right now. Remember, protein keeps the hungries away better than anything else. Carbs will make you hungry. Keep posting! Lyn
on 7/13/05 7:20 pm - Kingsley, IA
Morning Kyle Those blasted plateau's!!!! I think the closer you get to goal weight the more you will have. I've never tried the cottage cheese test & don't plan on doing it. Everyone is different. I have to tell you that I can do the same with a salad as you are talking about. Usually I have lettuce with cottage cheese with bacon bits sprinkled on it for more flavor. AND I can seem to eat a good size bowl of it. There are days it seems like I eat more & the next day can hardly eat anything. Up your water & protein that should help you break the plateau. I like the Atkins protein chocolate delight drink & drink one of those a few times a week if my protein is down. Not sure what kind of food variety you have either. I like a scrambled egg (microwave) & melt a slice of cheese on the top, bacon also (my downfall), I eat a lot of yogurt also. Pita bread instead of bread. Will quit rambling! Hugs Carolyn
(deactivated member)
on 7/14/05 12:22 pm
You sound totally normal to me Unfortunately the closer we ge to goal the slower/non-exsitant the weightloss becomes.....I think this is the time we really need to WORK HARD if we wanna drop those last pounds....They say we have an 18 month window to lose.....But I seriously quit losing at about 9ish or so months out.....here I sit at 19 months out with the same darn 13lbs to lose. I too think it is normal your food sizes....I can also eat a lot of salad....it chews down to nothing and that is why it is so easy to eat!!! Nibbling is what is holding you up, or is gonna get you....that is my biggest problem also!!! I think you should really stick to basics for a few days~easier said than done~I know first hand but really......try just protein and lots of fluids with no snacks......it will kick start something......Good luck and if you do try it....let us know how it goes!! Take Care jesi
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