forgot to tell all of ya
With all my stressing and being in a funk.....I forgot to tell you all the good news.......I am officially scheduled for my FULL TUMMY hip to hip and up and down with muscle repair on August 4th.....I decided to go ahead and pay for the extra and have the whole thing done.....I am looking forward to it......but I am a huge wuss when it comes to pain and not looking forward to that part
A couple questions for all that can answer....and I know you know these answers Dixie~ did you get and wear a binder? Did it help plastic surgeon reccomends one and is taking measurements to order me one.......How did you feel two weeks out from surgery??? I am scheduled the 4th of August and have plans to be in DesMoines overnight the you think it is possible, or is that wishful thinkin??? Any tips or things I should consider?? Thanks...take care

I am having it done here locally.....I found a great plastic surgeon Dr. Erin Kennedy....right here in Dubuque....I will be at Mercy is usually an in and out surgery same day
But they already told me I could stay over night if I want.....cause I am a wuss when it comes to pain.....we will see!!!! Thanks for the well wishes! Take Care

Hi jesi,
By the way, sorry we didn't make connections when you were home. I had a feeling it was going to be too busy for you to get away so wasn't surprised at all. Maybe next time, but then again, you won't need my help by then, right?
Wow, you sure got in fast! I still have to wait until Aug 22 for my second PS. You are going to be thrilled with the results! Believe me, no more binging for you as you'll want to protect that flat tummy from stretching out again & your husband will be so thrilled, there will be no more arguments anyway. Well, that may be an exageration but he will be thrilled also.
Definately get a binder. Did he say a binder or did he specify a compression garment? I had a binder for the first few days until my garment got here. It works great to hold everything solid but it slips up all the time when you're moving around. The compression garment is like a very good girdle that zips up the side so it's easy to get in & has hooks & eyes in the crotch so you don't need to remove it to use the bathroom. It is very tight but that's what you need. It needs to be tight to help prevent seromas & to help get your insides stuck back where they belong. It does the same job as the binder but more comfortable. If he is just having you go with the binder, fine, but ask him if you can use a regular girdle once you are healed some & not so sore. I understand that a lot of gals just get a girdle from WalMart that has panels in the front & they seem to work as well as the more expensive garments that are made for that purpose. I'd offer to lend you mine but I know it's too large as I weight quite a bit more than you. I will need a new one with my surgery as it will be a long leg one because of the lipo on the outer thighs.
Write me if you have any other concerns!
Well I have been approved for a long time.....but just couldn't make up my mind about dates and took me a long time before I finally decided to do the whole thing and pay the difference.......Then I scheduled it for July 7th, then backed out because I wanted to have more fun this summer with the kids......but it finally came down to having to pick a date....and well my hubby is already off that week from work so it was just perfect......I am still so
nervous tho!!! I am not sure if it is a binder or compression garment.....I will ask at my next pre-op....they just said they had to messure me (which they already did) to order my binder thing. I still want to meet up with you for sure
I think we could sit and visit forever!!!! What did you think of me having plans two weeks afterwards?? Do you think thats pushing it??? We have hotel reservations and we are supposed to be going to the State Fair to see Big & some walking, but a lot of sitting also???? I don't know what to do, everything is paid for....but I don't know if I will feel up to it? Hey I also had scheduled for August 22nd.....we would have been twins again.....
but I had to change it...hubby is just to busy at work to take three vacations in one month! I hope everything goes well with your second round......I can't wait to see the pics on your pretty scrap book......which I still haven't done
Add it to my list of crap that doesn't get done!!! But I will be taking pics of my tummy and stuff before hand to long before you saw results?? where you super swollen for a long time?? Sorry if I am asking too many a good day at work!!! Take Care and thanks for all the help

I do hope we can get together soon. Jane & I have both said that we think that if you, Andrea, Jane, & I ever got together we'd be jabbering all day long. We'll do it soon.
Now, about going to the fair, I went back to work at 2 weeks so I bet you could do it. Are you bringing your kids or is it just adults? I do know you won't be able to carry kids by then & if you do, you'll probably be sorry. I think if I were you I'd go but like you said, do a lot of stuff where you don't have to be standing & walking a bunch. I can assure you that you will be swollen before the end of the day but it will go down. It's normal to swell for several weeks, months even, especially if you overdo it. The swelling is just a tightness & puffyness in the belly.
You asked about swelling from the actual surgery. I was able to see & feel the difference right away. I was FLAT! The compression garment or binder really helps keep you from swelling. Although I spent most of that first 2 weeks in just the binder or compression garment & a nightgown, I could tell I was a smaller size already but I have heard of gals who complain that the pants they wore before the TT were too small for awhile. Do you have any of those jersy shorts or pants with the elastic waist that we all lived in before our WLS? Not in that size of course, but some that fit you now? That's what I suggest you wear for awhile. Jeans are fun and a real temptation but that zipper can be very uncomfortable especially if you are swollen or if you still have any drains. I wore jeans the day I went to get my drains removed & I looked pretty good but was miserable before I got home. You'll also learn very quickly to protect your belly from getting bumped. The incision can be very sensitive. It's really very strange. I had a spot that if I bumped it, and I did often as it was just at the right heighth that I bumped the countertop, I would feel the pain, & it was definately pain, about 4 inches away from the spot that got bumped. It had something to do with the nerves knitting back together again. I don't feel that anymore but I am still very sensitive right at the spot where the incision goes over my hip bones.
Speaking if incision, did you say you were getting cut both down & across? I think they refer to that as an anchor cut & if that's what you are getting, I envy you. I love how mine turned out, don't doubt that, but I understand that the anchor cut results in it being tighter on the back too & your waist is even smaller than with just the one cut. My incision starts just behind the hip bone on one side goes down to the pubic area & back to the other hip bone. It's a big smile.
Don't apoligize for asking questions. I'm happy to help. Ask away!
I too think a get together would be great.....between you girls and Andrea ....I am kinda central.....I would love to have it here at my place or meet anywhere......Yes I am having the anchor....she says this is best for me because I am really big on top.....lots of fatty skin! I have tons of those cotton shorts.....everyone I know says I dress like an old lady....I think it is comfy and it is a hard habit to break after wearing those kinda clothes for years......even tho I am young, I am still not comfortable with my own body and I have a HARD time wearing clothes my age, or fitted in anyway
Good to know you were able to go back to work at two weeks.....I just might be able to do it then......we are taking the kids, but my kids are 6, 6, and I don't have to lift them or carry them anymore....thank goodness!!! Plus my folks will be there along with hubby, so they can watch after the girls......and our hotel is pretty close to the fair grounds so if I get tired I can go rest (or head to the mall
) I LOVE Jordan Creek
Anyways thanks for all the great advice....I am getting excited now!!! Talk to you later

Jesi -- congrats on the tt. Had to jump in to tell you how mmaahhvelous Dixie looks with her flat tummy. I'm so jealous of you guys. (Well not the pain part -- but the flat tummy part. I had a consult with the ps yesterday about getting the "girls" downsized. I'm waiting on insurance approval now -- I'm sure it will take awhile. I asked about a tt, but he thinks I have another scar that would interfere with the blood flow and I could have a major problem with healing. They also told me I don't have "enough" skin to get insurance to pay for just the panni. Oh well, I definitely don't want to take any un-needed risks. I'll be happy to get the top taken care of!!!
It would still be fun to plan a get together for us eastern Iowa gals this fall -- maybe we all won't be so busy then!! We're also planning on the State Fair, but I think we're going the 1st Friday - whatever day that is.