Just wanted to say HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Haven't posted for awhile but just wanted to say hi to all my fellow Iowans so.. HIIII
I'm down 31 pounds so far :jumP I feel that if I would walk like I should I'd be down more. I don't eat like I should, which hopefully will change, food just doesn't appeal to me anymore. Never thought I'd say that. Having no problems with the water, and after reading a post tonight on the MMB I'm going to start taking my vitamins like I should. I knew this journey would be hard so none of this is a surprise to me, I'm just still really struggling.
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers..
Loves to all
Tracie S..

Sorry to hear it is still tough on ya......believe me tho.....enjoy it, because at about 6 months out.....your gonna wake up hungry and wish you weren't......
As long as your drinking and taking your supplements, you will be fine......how are you coming with protien drinks.....my memory sucks and I cannot remember who can take them or not??? I would be more than happy to send you some samples of the ones I like......if you find a protein drink you enjoy.....it is smooth sailing really!!! What kind of B vites are you taking?? Let me know if you want some protein..Take Care
also 31lbs is great.....keep it up

Hey Jesi,
I could do better on my protein drinks but the two I've bought are just horribly gross. I ordered some samples from bariatriceating and they should be here soon I hope. I was told to take a multi-vitamin I got some from GNC and they are huge horse pills. The nurse suggested Flinstones chewable so I got some of those and it is better.. Just have a gross taste in my mouth for a min or so but better than tryin to swallow those dang horse pills. I'd take any different kinda protein anyone has to offer.
Tracie S..

Which ones did you try?? If you got them at GNC and you have your recipe you can take them back and get your money for them.....that is one thing I love about GNC.....they are good about that!!! I get my B-complex with GNC......Yeah horsepills suck....but you will be able to get them down without a problem after awhile.......but make sure they are absorbable (sp) I couldn't find a multi a GNC that dissolved real well....there is a test.....you put the pill in 1/4 cup of vinegar or something (pretty sure it is vinegar) and if it doesn't dissolve within 15 minutes our little pouches and shortened system will never be able to break it down......Thats why for the longest time I stuck with centrum chewables for adults....beacause I would literally
out pills, whole pills!!! What a waste.....but I found a very inexpensive prenatal vitamin at walmart.....you take two a day and they are small......and they break down great and since they are prenatal they are totally loaded with all the great stuff we need......I still supplement all my B's and calcium tho! I would be more than happy to send ya some of my stuff.....I know how difficult it is to find a protein you like.....I have about 4 different flavors right now and about 5 different bars
When I find deals I stock up...
I know some people like store bought protein....but I have yet to find one I like.....so I usually order mine from netnutrtion.com or bariatriceating.com Send me your address and I will get some stuff in the mail.....Take Care
Jesi my email is [email protected]