worried about my daughter
Well it is 3:05a.m. and I am having trouble sleeping tonight as I found out today my 8 year old has Diabetes. Our family doc is sending us to the U of I to see a specialist. She has to spend 3 days in the hospital. While there we will find out if she is type one or two diabetic, why her sugar count in her urine was 2,000(normal is 0) and also be educated as far as diet, injections etc. I work at our docs office and this was my Sat. to work. She had been frequently urinating and going through water like crazy. I was just expecting a UTI so took a ua to work with me today expecting to leave with a script not admission papers to the U of I. Wow it will be a major life changing experience. I geuss we will be going through alot of changes together. Well better try to get some
:Jen: I'll be at the U for the next 3 days so I should have a good start for quitting huh.

Morning Kim
Was there some reason your dr couldn't diagnose? Simple blood test would determine type 1 or 2 OR if she was diabetic. Same thing happened few years back with my daughter, drinking constantly etc. Wasn't diabetes after all, was a big infection going on which raised her ua counts. Will keep you all in my thoughts & prayers. Let us know how you turn out with this.
Hi Kim I am so sorry to hear about your daughter It is always sad when things happen to our children. I hope and pray all goes well for you guys and everything gets under control but as time goes by you will get acustom to taking care of her the best way you can. It is so sad though her being so young. Take care and keep us informed.

I am so sorry......I hate it when little ones are sick!!! Like another poster stated.....U of I is great and should get things figured out right quick! 3 days isn't that bad.....they have a lot of stuff to do there.....the internet....a great library on the 8th floor were you can rent vcr's and movies.....a great outdoor park your daughter can enjoy!!! Keep us updated and I hope everything turns out okay!!!