Poll~~PCPs...educated or not?
Hi Everyone!
I am conducting an informal poll on just how cooperative and/or instrumental each of our PCPs were in helping us get to the point of WLS.
1) What was his/her initial reaction to your requesting information and/or referrals to see a WL surgeon?
2) How many other bariatric patients/prospective patients had he/she referred or helped prior to yourself?
3) Was he/she open-minded to WLS, or did they did come in with the old way of thinking...'eat less, exercise more'? If so, were you able to bring him/her around or did you seek help from another PCP?
4) If you are already post-op, does he/she still see you on a regular basis to check your progress, labs, etc.; or, does he/she leave it completely up to your surgeon?
5) If you are still pre-op, how cooperative is he/she in helping you gather the required informaton that is needed for insurance submission? Such as supervised diets, referral letters, pre-op testing that is known to be required, etc.
I apprecite your time in answering this poll...I believe that it will be very beneficial to us and for future WLS candidates in the long run. We are pioneering a new frontier (so to speak)...by speaking out now, and educating our PCPs, we are helping those that follow in our footsteps.
Thank you for your responses!
1) Very open and actually excited for me.
2) I was the first bariatric referral that he had given, though I have heard, after seeing my results, that he has referred quite a few more people.
3) Mine was/is very open-minded. I have had the same PCP for over 22 years and he was well aware of the diets, anguish, etc. that I have gone through, due to my weight and the co-morbidites brought on by it.
4) As my surgeon is over three hours away from me, I rely heavily on my PCP.
5) N/A, as far as being pre-op. But, when I was getting ready to go forth with WLS, he was more than happy to order the testing that I would need...sleep studies, cardio, etc. I could not have asked for a more kind or understanding PCP.
E.D.D. of Alexis Leigh-Ann~~11/11/05
1. My PCP was very supportive. It didn't hurt that the local gastric bypass surgeon, who ended up doing my surgery, had a series of seminars for medical professionals to introduce it to the medical community & my doctor had gone & was impressed. He sent off a referral right away.
2. I believe I was his first although one of his patients had the surgery long before she started going to him.
3. He was very open minded & knew I knew what I was gettting into.
4, I see my surgeon for WLS concerns but my PCP has been willing to work with them. For instance, when I needed a perscription for something he called them to make sure it was OK for me to take it. I have been to him several times since the surgery & everytime he exclaims over the results & makes me feel so good & glad I did it.
1) What was his/her initial reaction to your requesting information and/or referrals to see a WL surgeon? WONDERFUL. I was so nervous when I made the appointment...I even cried trying to convince her. She was so supportive and gave me a hug and said "We'll beat this!"
2) How many other bariatric patients/prospective patients had he/she referred or helped prior to yourself? Many. I'm not sure of the number but I know that she has helped a lot of people with referrals.
3) Was he/she open-minded to WLS, or did they did come in with the old way of thinking...'eat less, exercise more'? If so, were you able to bring him/her around or did you seek help from another PCP? We've tried so many things that she knew I was down to my last straw.
4) If you are already post-op, does he/she still see you on a regular basis to check your progress, labs, etc.; or, does he/she leave it completely up to your surgeon? She sees me once a month to check my blood pressure and weight. She also asks how my mental state is (as I'm still on anti-depressants). She will run labs closer to my 6 month appointment. She wants copied on everything.
5) If you are still pre-op, how cooperative is he/she in helping you gather the required informaton that is needed for insurance submission? Such as supervised diets, referral letters, pre-op testing that is known to be required, etc. She basically signed off on anything I needed. She was so wonderful!!!
I hope this helps Sherry!!!
Morning Sherry,
My PA & PC's were behind me 200% with WLS. I'm the first for my PA but the 2 PC's had other surgical patients. They were more than willing to refer (I had found dr on my own) ALL 3 of them wrote on my behalf to Title 19 for approval all voicing their concerns of my health & why WLS would benefit me. Since my surgery they have "referred" other's to me (patient has to contact me), I have left my phone number & email address with the dr's & it's up to the patient to contact me this way there is no problems with HIPPA. Since I see the PA on a regular basis he has been fantastic about researching WLS & making sure I have the right care, right blood tests etc. I have also referred all of them to OH telling them they could learn alot from the boards. I really agree with you, we are educating the dr's on our journey. So many of them have "heard" of WLS but have no actual real facts.
1. PCP at that time sent me to his partner (same offices) a surgeon, for rectal bleeding. The surgeon, after endoscopy and colonscopy recommended he do a gastric bypass.
2. Never got that info and still don't know (I think it's classified!!)
3. The orginal PCP refused to see me after the RNY, and the 4 other PCP's I seen since never offered an opinion.
4. No one has been doing follow up with me. The surgeon that did the surgery refused to see me after 6 months, when an upper GI showed I had ulcers. I had only seen him 3 times, that's all I could get in to see him.
5. There was no "program" pre-op. No testing was done.
I am sure my former PC was educated on WLS as she was overweight herself......I had tryed many times to get help with my weight....from different doctors.....to no avail......it was always the same ole same ole.......exercise and eat better. For me and my insurance it was all about politics.....they wouldn't refer you to nothing....I finally gave up and went to the BTC paying for it with my own money.....they submitted to insurance.....and my insurance denied it, but said if I was serious they would let me go to U of I.....instead......they didn't like or work with BTC.......so to make a long story short.....I had to do it all myself!!!! My insurance changed so I switched PC'c but really no-one in DBQ knows nothing about WLS......kinda sad!!!! My pysch doctor was all for it and she along with former pc were amazed with results.....but would probably never reffer anyone because of poiltics.....sad really!!!! My new PC is HOT and he is way cool about the surgery and willing to do my labs and stuff.....he reffered me to a plastic surgeon for a tummy tuck no questions asked
So it all worked out.....but Dubuque needs some major education around here!!!! Nice Poll ....Take Care