3 month Check Up today...
So I had my 3 month appointment today. I'm officially down 48% of my body fat. I've lost 65 pounds total. I'm in "one"derland...as Jesi puts it! HOWEVER, I told them that I started smoking again and that I'm not exercising. It's summer...I don't have time to exercise. Well, that's just my excuse...I have excuses for everything!
So Angie pointed out that she understands and that it is hard but #1, I have to quit smoking. She told me horror stories of people having to be cut open to fix ulcers because of smoking. #2 is a close second with working out. I need at least 30 mins of cardio a day. She said that I'm doing good now but it's going to stop soon if I don't exercise and then she said I'll start GAINING. Yes, GAINING.
I'm a little bummed. I know that I shouldn't smoke and that I must make time to work out. I think I wouldn't be so depressed either. I'm just one of those obsessive people and if I can't eat, I want to smoke. If I can't smoke, I want to eat. This AGAIN will be very hard for me.
Just wanted to update you all. Need some support if you have any laying around!!
3 months post op

Jen congrats on your weightloss!! You are doing great.
As for the smoking, I know it is hard. You can do it though!!! Is it just the having something to do with your hands or are you still craving ciggs? If it is the hands try crossword puzzles, reading, or word circles. I do word circles why I watch tv. It helps alot. If it is the nicotine your craving get some nicotine gum to help you.
As for the exercise start small. Even with 5 minutes a day for the 1st week and then increase every week. I have heard some say that once you have taken off a significant amt . of the weight the exercise is much easier, and not so dreaded!!
Hang in there!!
Thanks so much Shelli and congrats on your date!!!! Whoo hoo! I will try the gum but my biggest problem was that my husband was smoking too and he has sworn to quit when I do. We've set a date for Monday and we'll just have to wait and see. Man....if it's not losing weight and dieting it's trying to quit smoking!!!
Thank goodness one of them is taken care of...sort of!!
thanks again and keep me posted on your surgery!!!
You've done great so far - and that's the key, so far. I assume Angie is your doctor's nurse??? She is right. Very soon it will become very hard to lose wt. I'm 14 months out and only lost 20 pounds since the first of the year. I have 10 to go and it seems to be glued on. You have to exercise at least 3 times per week in order to maintain your wt loss. More if you want to lose. And boy, it's hard to get motivated to do that. I consider reading a book about as much exercise as I want to do. I really have to force myself, but I'm NEVER going back to that place I was before surgery. Can't help you with the smoking problem. But I can relate to a food addiction. Have you considered some sort of therapy to find out why you are addicted to smoking or eating? Maybe a good therapist can help you with some coping skills. I'm seriously considering doing that also.
Remember, this is the honeymoon period. The wt seems to fall off almost effortlessly. That won't keep happening. You will have to work at it. You will have to have some willpower. But you can do this. Start out with the exercise and think small steps. A walk around the block. Then around a couple blocks.
You can do this!
Go take a walk!
Jen, Hey neighbor, I live in CR and am 17 months post op. Great job on the weight loss, but yes please quit smoking as soon as you can. You made this committment to lose weight and get healthy smoking is just defeating that whole purpose. There off my soapbox, (husband smokes and I have been trying to get him to quit for 15 years). ANyways Again congrats on your weight loss. I too am in that mode of it's summer who needs exercise, but I have not lost a single pound in over 7 months and it SUCKS royally. I was doing workouts at home 30 minute videos, the gazelle, and walking the dogs, but nothing has let me lose an ounce. I also thought hey eat some sugar dump I'll lose some weight. No such luck I can eat chocolate and it doesn't effect me, I still only do a few pieces at night to unwind, (my one vice I guess). WEll I know I am babling, I just thought I would say hi and say I have seen you around town, not sure where but the next time I do see you I'll say hey I'm one of the OBH budies. Have you been to the Mercy meetings, we meet the 2nd thursday of the month at 5 at Mercy so maybe I'll see you there, or maybe that is where I saw you. Anyways way to go on the weight loss and good luck with the smoking issues.
Well golly!!! You HAVE to pull me aside when you see me!!! That is so cool. I really don't do anything or go anywhere. We have a pool so summer is really for our backyard! I haven't been to the Mercy meetings either. I do need to quit smoking...Monday is my day. I start my workout program Saturday morning at the MAC. I'm nervous that I'll just get discouraged and not do it after the first week.
How much weight did you lose altogether? Have you always exercised? I just have used this 3 months to get used to what foods I can and can't eat and being in the pool, of course!
Fill me in or if you want, email me at [email protected]
Hey Jen! You are doing great! I've got my 3 month check in a couple weeks. I went to a family wedding last weekend and got lots of compliments, so that was fun! Everyone was watching what i was eating, guess I better get used to it.
I know you can quit smoking. You've come this far, you are strong! I'm so excited that your husband has agreed to quit too, very supportive!
Here is a true story about the effects of smoking:
My cousin knows a guy who cut off 4 fingers in a construction accident. They were able to reattach all four but told him he had to quit smoking or they wouldn't heal and the vessels wouldn't reconnect because smoking causes the blood vessels to constrict. They were reattached and healthy and pink, but then 2 weeks later he went to the surgeon because his fingers were turning gray. He had had only ONE cigarette and that caused it to fail and they had to amputate the four fingers. I didn't believe my cousin when she told me the story, but she says it's true. Think of the damage to your tissues, you deserve better!
Okay, I'm off the pulpit now. I just want you to feel good and be healthy. Take care woman!
Well hello stranger!!! Haven't heard from you in awhile. You are doing awesome!!!! 82 pounds?!?! Whoo hoo!!! It's amazing what people notice when you lose weight. Everyone is constantly watching what and how much I eat. Are you exercising? I start tomorrow morning. I'm hoping that it will cure some of this depression.
I'm happy that Derek finally told me that he would quit with me. It just makes me feel better knowing that my best friend supports me no matter how hard it is for him. He has smoked since he was 13. He started way younger than i did!
So what have you been up to? Working hard? Fill me in chica!!
Miss you!! Hugs,