Going to invent...
I think we should all get together and invent a protein pill!
They have vitamins in a pill so why not protein???
They make happy pills, downers, uppers, pills for every kind of (almost) disease or physical ailment out there so why not a dang protein pill!!!!
If anyone knows of any and I'm just not in the loop would you please PLEASE let me know.. Maybe I'd be able to get my protein in!! *sigh*
Huggs to all..
Tracie S..
-23 pounds

Hey Jenny
I had a cold right before my surgery too. I went to the Doctor, and they said it was a stress cold. I was worried about a lot of things. They told me, when I went in right before surgery they would check my blood for white blood cells to see whether or not they were elevated or not, if they were (or werent' confusing) they would still do surgery. I got lucky, they went ahead and did surgery, but afterwards, I had a cough. I had to hold a pillow on my stomach to cough. I will pray that they will keep your schedule.
Just thought I would put my cent in.
My prayers are with you.
Love ya
Lisa Young
Dr. Eibes
started at 350, down to 220