Hi gang!
Boy has it been slow around here. Everybodies busy busy busy.......
Thought I'd give a quick update then ask a few questions.
I am less than a week away from my 6 month ann.
Down 102 lbs as of 1 1/2 weeks ago.
Feeling good, no, GREAT!
. Did break down and buy a few clothes......hate that 'sack' feeling in my shirts. Down 3 to 5 sizes in shirts, depends on cut and material. Down 3 or 4 in pants, again, depends on material. I am 'only' 32 lbs heavier than my sis. I don't think she likes that......
(she is my biggest supporter) But I can 'visualize' what 234 lbs 'looks like', where as I can't 'see' 155 lbs, which is docs goal wt for me.
I have been walking faithfully, AND liking it.
Any rate, things are good.
I have been cruising the main board some, and finding questions they ask a lot on there.
My favorite is ' what made you smile today?' Makes me stop and think about the good/positive things.
What made you smile today?
For me it was watching my young nieces and nephew at a local small town parade. One us kids went to when we were that age, family tradition, so to speak. On Sunday, watching my 21 month old niece smelling moms roses and picking black raspberries made my heart warm.
To steal Andreas question, do you have any goals today,this week, this month?
I am going to crush the 'cracker monster'
that lives in my house...... that son of a ......gun......just keeps buying them. They at least have a little protein....
I just use that excuse because the calorie/carb trade off is not worth it. I am going to add another mile to my walking. I am going to incorporate more wt lifting (do that sporadically). Let's see.....what else is there.......
Ohhh...and another BIG goal, is to reply to more posts. I read them all, but am very very guilty of not replying.
Seems as though there was another question or two....but they escape me........
I hope everyone had a GREAT 4th and heres to a good week ahead.
hugs to all

You've done really well to be down over 100 pounds! Great job! Don't slack off now tho. It gets way harder after the 6 months are up. The honeymoon is over and now you will have to work at losing the rest. Follow your program and REALLY stick with it. At least for me, at six months, I could eat anything, and I do mean anything. I don't dump. I wish I'd never tried sugar to find out if I dum*****t. Just the fear of maybe dumping kept me on the straight and narrow until I got stupid and tried sugar. Humm, didn't dump on that cookie, how bout a package of M & Ms? Nope. So the sugar monster has been released. I fight it really hard but, boy, I sure do crave it every now and then.
I also eat way too many carbs. I think I know your cracker monster. Or maybe a close relative of him. I'm not gaining but I'm also not losing. I have 10 pounds to lose to goal. I would think that alone would be enough motivation to get it done but I guess not.
So advice from someone who is 14 months out, lose all you can as quickly as you can because it will come to a screaching halt very soon and be difficult to lose quickly. Stick to your doctor's program. Don't deviate. Soon enough you will be able to eat other stuff. If you don't eat the bad stuff now, you should continue to lose. There are a bunch of us that are so close to goal we are tripping over it but just can't seem to get there. Stay motivated and stick with it! You will get there!
262/152/142 (last 10 pounds are glued on and very happy to be there)