I am in complete shock as I just got this email from one of my good friends... I can't even imagine what they are going through. I wanted to do my part to get the word out so I am going to post it here, on the main board and on the Iowa board.
Email from my friend entitled "I can't believe I am sending this - my neice is missing."
This is not a joke...my "neice" (actually my brother's girlfriend's daughter, the girl who was the flowergirl in our wedding), Evelyn Celeste Miller, is missing. She was discovered missing 6:00 in the morning on Friday. Either she wandered away from their apartment, or was taken. My brother and Noel, his girlfriend, believe she was abducted.
You guys, I can't adequately convey the horror of this situation. It's now 7:30 in the morning on Sunday...she's been missing for over 48 hours. I'm terrified.
My brother was a prime suspect since he was one of the last people to see her. Fortunately, yesterday he took a polygraph exam and passed, and law enforcement has ensured me that he is not a suspect.
Please feel free to pass this on, and if someone could post this, I would appreciate it. More informaiton should be available on some or all of the following websites....
We've also been told, although I haven't had the chance to confirm, that her information is posted on the Amber Alert website (although no Amber Alert has been issued since they have no suspects) and the Center for Missing and Exploited Children's website. People from the FBI came in yesterday to assist state and local law enforcement.
Please keep my family in your prayers. I'm staying at my mom's house, along with Joe, my sister, her husband, their daugther, and my brother's two kids, my nephews Gabriel and Damien. We're all just trying to hang in there...
Here is the article whi*****ludes a picture:
I was five miles from were she was abducted
I was there all weekend and as of this morning Tuesday.....still nothing....it is just heartbreaking, and it doesn't look really good.....just sick that this kinda stuff happens in our backyards.....I still pray she will be found wandering in a field somewhere, but the chances of that are looking pretty dim as time passes. I will keep her in my prayers
Take Care ~jesi