Need information about sleep apnea !!!!!!!!!
Ok guys, I am really upset about this. I did the pulse oximetry test and they determined that I was borderline so they told me that I needed the sleep study. I got really lucky and got in on a cancellation and things were really moving along. I called my PCP yesterday to find out if they had sent the results to Dr. G and they hadn't even gotten them yet so they called St. Lukes and had them faxed. The nurse told me that the doctor *****ad the test says now I need to go in for the CPAP evaluation which is going to take probably another month to get an appointment etc. Yes, I understand all the hoops and that I've been lucky this far but what is all of this about? Any other surgery, the surgeon would not do a sleep study at all to do the surgery. Second, I don't have any symptoms of sleep apnea. I sleep well. My husband says that I don't snore and that he has never heard me gasp for air. I have not taken a nap during the day for so many years that I can't remember the last time. I don't even fall asleep in the car when we drive all night which drives my husband crazy since he wants me to help drive. Why do I want to ruin perfectly good sleep nights by wearing a mask on my face? Also, the sleep study cost over a thousand dollars (out of pocket since deductible hasn't been met yet) and so another night at the sleep center is going to be another thousand or more. I am going to try and call Covenant on Tuesday but does anyone know if this is absolutely necessasry??
My situation was so similar to yours except I snored. I had to go back for a second test with the CPAP even though I felt good & thought I was getting rest and, yes, with the CPAP, I NEVER, slept well. I hated it but it is one thing that most bariatric surgeons require. I know it seems really unnecessary but they want us to be as safe as possible and the anesthesia can cause you problems with breathing, if, indeed you have sleep apnea. I know Dr Glas**** is a stickler for it. You will have to use it for at least 30 days before he will even do the surgery & will insist it be used in the hospital, unless he has changed his policy, and I doubt it. If your pulse oximitry showed that your oxygen level fell too low & he had you do the sleep study and, if that study showed you need the CPAP, he will refuse to do the surgery if you refuse to use it. I know it seems unfair. I really feel for you. The only thing I can suggest is that you do call them & tell them how you feel. Maybe ask to have the study read by the pulmonologist that they use. The records can be FAXed to him. It sounds like your apnea is minor & maybe he won't think it's bad enough to be concerned about. If he also said that you have it, then they probably are right. And as far as having to wait another month, I ended up going elesewhere for my second sleep study for that very reason. I would never recommend the second place I went to because they were very inept, but they did get me in within a week of my call.
When I read your message, right away I thought "Oh, that was me less than 2 years ago." Like I said, I hated it but I decided that it was just one more of those hoops I had to jump through. It didn't last long. As a matter of fact, I never took it out of the case after I came home from the hospital!
Good luck, Leslie, I hope you find that you don't have to go further, but if you do, try to be patient. It will be worth it.
I know how you fill!!!! I had to do the sleep study also. I didn't have to have the second one done because they gave me an Auto Cpap. It automatically changes pressures during the night. I had to were it 30 nights and at least 4 hours a night before they would schedule Surgery. There was a little card in the machine that I had to take out and have it downloaded. So there was no cheating. So I know how you fill. I just got done with the 30 nights on June 24 and was scheduled for surgery for July 12th. I'm so sorry for how you fill right now. I was so mad when I found out I had to do it. I had to wait 30 days before they could get me in for the sleep study. My doctor will not do surgery without the 30 nights being done. So I just told myself every night. "I will were the mask" and I did. The doctor said I did very good, and released me right away. You just have to put your mind to it and you can do it!!! Maybe they will tell you it's not that bad and you won't have to were the cpap!! Either way Good Luck
and keep us updated.