Hi All!
Hi Everyone!!! Been a long time since I've posted....sure is nice to see some new faces on the Iowa Board. Wowsa Carolyn your new pic is wonderful!
Been very busy around here, had graduation in May for my oldest son, not looking forward to taking him to college as I know that will be very hard! Been doing a lil bit of camping, hope to do more this month. We just got back from vacation, we went to Chicago and to the WI Dells...of course while in Chicago we saw our fave band CHicago with Earth Wind and Fire!!!!
As far as my weight goes I've gained about 10lbs. UGH so gonna get busy and work on getting it off again. My eating has been awful, been eating anything I can put in my mouth! Am now in a size 6 up from a 4 oh well.
Well guess thats about it for now....Everyone have a Fun and Safe 4th!
Janet Schmidt
Morning Girlfriend
Been missing seeing that cute face of yours around
Have you gotten my emails? Thank you for the compliment
I FINALLY hit 169 & it's taken forever, you know me the whiner with no patience. Happy you had a good time, sigh Chicago AND Earth Wind & Fire?? You lucky woman you!!! Thought seeing the Moody Blues was so great, your concerts beat that one hands down
Give me a call sometime, Chuck is on nights this next week so will be nice to be able to go down for coffee & did I mention gossip
Talk to ya later.