Please, Please, Please
Hi all!
For some reason, I haven't been able to log on to for over 2 weeks. I finally did and just in time to post this warning to all of you....
If you haven't had your Vitamin D levels checked (lab work) Please do so ASAP with your next appointment. As far as I know, mine haven't been check at least since surgery over 1 1/2 years ago. I do not know what prompted the PA at my rheumatologists office to check it this time either, but I was severly deficiant. From the research I have been doing, I THINK "normal" is 30 - 60 ngs I was at 17 ngs. I am on Vitamin D supplements now and in a few months, will be rechecked and if anywhere near normal, I will be scheduled for a bone density test, and several xrays to check for broken bones in some of the areas I have been having chronic pain.
I do not want to scare anyone, (I think most of you know me better than that anyway!
) but you really should do some research and see all the different things this vitamin can effect. I was surprised. I am also surprised at how much better I feel after not even a week on supplements. My Fibromyalgia pain is better (Carolyn....
)not gone, and probably never will be, but I can live with better. I am not so tired all the time and my battle with severe depression (Lisa Y..... ), seems to be getting a little easier too.
Just a heads up for all my OH sisters, I want you to be able to learn from my mistakes so you don't have to go thru this too. (God knows I make a lot of mistakes too!!)
PS who knows, I keep feeling better and you folks might be wanting me to go back to feeling bad so I am not posting so much!

Hi Lavonda,
I am not sure how long, but it doesn't hurt to have it checked anyway. Vit. D is a fat soluable and since we don't absorb much fat anymore, we don't get the benefits of it. Don't feel bad about not knowing, I had no idea either, but KNEW there had to be some reason for my feeling so tired all the time.
Hi Jesi,
No it doesn't hurt to take some anyway, it is just kind of hard to find. Yes it is the one you get from the sun, but because of some of the other meds I am on, I am ALMOST alergic to UV rays now. I get spots and rashes when I am in the sun for more than a few minutes. I have prescription strenght hydrocortizone cream I have to use.
Elizabeth -- thanks for the heads up. Fortunately, I have a very good dr. (Glas****) *****quires a full blood workup at 6 mo., 1 year and then annually after that. My PCP also wants to follow-up with me after the blood work as I have diabetes and will continue to have A1C tests done on a regular basis. It is so important for there to be a good follow up program after our surgeries.
Thankfully, all of my bloodwork came out terrific at my one year check in April!

You may want to check to be SURE the D level is checked. I am not sure it is included in the "full work up". Like I said before, I am not sure mine had ever been checked and I have had many, many blood tests for more reasons than just gastric bypass. Glad to hear your 1 yr labs were good!
Hi Jen,
Milk is the main source of Vit. D besides the sun and I don't drink much of it because I drink it too fast and it makes me sick! LOL Also, from what I have read, you would have to drink so much milk in order to get what I need, that I would float all the way to the bathroom and not come out all day!