Hi gang...
Yes, I know it is Wednesday, but I just didn't have it in me to post last night. I work midnights on Sun's and Mon's, getting off at 8 am.
Well, Tuesday am, my sister met me at work and we had 'breakfast' at the office with my co-workers. Then we went to our pcp's office and weighed. I lost 6 lbs (in 11 days) for a post op total of 97. SOooooo close to the big century mark!!. (sis gained 4
THEN we went shopping. I have only purchased 2 pairs of pants since WLS and my shirts are hanging like burlap bags. I couldn't take it anymore. So to goodwill we went. Found 3 very nice, very 'feminine' shirts. (most of my shirts are mens pullovers, polos, henleys etc). Then to Walmart. Found 2 very nice shirts. One is a button down. Shirt sizes vary with type of material and style but they are all MUCH smaller than before. I has doing the happy
The tears came when I was able to put on a pair of real denim, button and zip, off the shelf, jeans, AND THEY FIT!!
Of course, I bought them, even though they weren't on my 'list'
Being able to buy jeans off the shelf, was an even bigger WOW than being able to take a bath and have water on both sides. Did that a few days ago. Was even able to shave my legs without being a contortionist, or drowning!!
It really is the small things,isn't it!
So my Tuesday ended with coming home and trying on all my new clothes, again. I think it was a disbelief kind of thing. Then I went to bed and 'passed out', after being up all night and all day (til about 6pm).
My only disappointment is that I didn't get my walk in.
big hugs to all

Hey're not snoopy!!!
My REAL denim jeans are a 26. But I have some 'stretch' denims that are 22's and they are a little baggy, but not enough to drop another size. YET!! This is down form a ?36?? (52W from Lane Bryant) One of the new shirts is an 18/20 and another is a 24. Depends on material and cut. That is down from a 32, at least. I have such a big belly. Seems like my legs are 'sticks' and my upper torso is slender, then the ol' belly gets in the way of proper fit of both shirts and pants. But I know it IS getting smaller because when I had sis measure me the other day, the tape measure went clear around with a couple of inches to spare. A month or so ago, we had to 'add to it' several inches. I seemed to have misplaced my sheet of previous measurements to tally up the totals..............hhhmmmmm..........
I told my sis that NEXT time I won't need to go shopping, or to goodwill, I can just go to her closet. I am only 37 lbs heavier than her. Which scares her, and 'freaks' me out!
big hugs