Hit by a garbage truck & other stuff
Friday, a friend from church and I left church at 7:15AM to head to a handbell festival in Springfield MO for the weekend. We were 10 miles from chuch, in a little town, and a garbage truck stopped at a stop sign and then proceeded right into the rear panel of the passenger side of her van. Popped the side impact airbags on my side, broke the back side window, tore off the bumper and in general, mashed the rear panel. Fortunately, neither of us were hurt. I got whapped pretty hard by the airbag and was sore for a couple days and had a headache. There was glass clear up on the dash. Amazing how one small window can make so much glass.
After we quite shaking, we called husbands for a rescue. Mine gassed up our van and hers took me home to pick it up. She went back to church and started vacuuming up glass and unloading. We had 4 cases of bells, 8 foam pads, one table and lots of luggage. What a mess. Needless to say, we were about 2 hours late. The bad thing was that we were providing bells for about 9 other people. I called as soon as it happened and by the time we got there, I think half the festival (420 people) knew someone had been hit by a garbage truck. We did manage to have a good time anyway, and made lots of jokes about garbage trucks. An experience we will never forget! The festival in itself is an experience but when you add a garbage truck, rooms not ready and losing a screw out of my glasses, it makes for a pretty good story!
My other big frustration, besides not losing wt, is that I went to Mayo 2 weeks ago about my elevated PTH. The surgeon referred me to an endocinologist. She ordered a bunch of labs for the next day and said she would send me a letter with her recommendations. So far, I've gotten a statement and a request for me to release my medical records for reseach. I called and left a message to the effect of, I'll sign your paper as soon as I get some results. Then I called the Dr. office. I was told it takes 4-6 wks to get a patient letter! Isn't that insane???? A person could croak waiting for test results. I told her that wasn't acceptable and wanted info now. She said she would see if the doc would do the letter yesterday. We'll see how soon it shows up. I should call BC and tell them not to pay it until I have results! Meanwhile, I'm losing bone mass. Does anyone in the medical community care???? Doesn't appear as tho they do. It would be nice to be doing what she recommends or schedule surgery before fall. I'm a busy person and want to get this taken care of before bells start full force in the fall. Okay, I've rambled enough.
Dear Lyn
Certainly been a tough week for you. Sending you gentle hugs. A car can always be replaced but never a life. Sometimes I think the medical field doesn't care you are a number, robot or whatever to them. Not all are like this. Know I would be riding their butts to get things going, you are so right a person could die just waiting. You take care of yourself, keep posting let us know how you are doing.
Gracious sakes Lyn.....I think if my road trip started out like that I would have run the other way!
You were obviously supposed to be delayed for 2 hours. It is all part of the plan.
As for medical tests, yes, we are just a number. When I had "abnormalities" on my EKG last fall, and they wanted to do a stress test, I had to wait almost a month because of scheduling and because the dr was going on a 2 week vacation. I think I mentioned to them that it was good thing I wasn't dying. I work with a guy who is having definite cardiac symptoms, did an EKG now they want a treadmill. He has to wait almost 2 weeks. I think that is outrageous. But not nearly as outrageous as having to wait more than month for test results!!
I think I would be calling daily, if not twice a day...and I probably wouldn't be my nice polite self. (I have become a little more assertive during this WLS journey
big hugs, happy bell ringing (is that what you call it?/

WOW.......I am with Shelia...I would have turned around and went back home......lol!! Your a trooper.....glad to hear all turned out good, and no-one was injured
The medical community can be CRAZY.....a month or so ago my daughter had to have chest xrays....for possible ashtma, pneumnoia(sp) problems......well they do the xrays right there in the PCP office but send them out to be read.......I sit at home with a kid who can't stop coughing and can hardly breathe......fearing she has nasty pneumonia, and have to wait three days before it is read and the results are told to the doc
That kind of stuff blows my mind!!! So anyways I feel your anger with the system!!! Take Care and keep us updated!!!