Hey all!
How's everyone doing? I haven't posted in a long time but needed to say hello and let everyone know how things are. Summer is very busy in our house as we have a pool and we're always entertaining!!
I am down to 202 and holding. I was stuck at 213 for awhile. I started at 263 so this has been pretty dramatic for my wardrobe!!! I am wearing clothes that I haven't worn in years. It's a wonderful feeling.
Emotionally it can be a struggle though. Social events are centered around food and for someone who used to love food, it can be very hard to break away from this habit. Family gatherings can be difficult because my fam loves food and wine! I did have a half of glass of white wine and it was fine. But the foods all have so much sugar and fat in them. I don't know how they do it!! Well, they haven't had this surgery either so that could be why!!!
I just get frustrated when I eat now. I think my belly can hold so much and then it surprises me and says NOPE. I haven't used my CPAP since surgery. I don't snore anymore. My BP is way down. I'm still on my anti-depressant and the Prevacid though. Maybe we'll look at that more on July 6th - 3 month appointment!!! I hope Angie's not disappointed in me. I've only lost 61 pounds. I shouldn't say ONLY because that's a huge deal! But I hope it's enough at this point to make her happy.
Fill me in on how everyone else is doing!!!

Hey, good to hear from you, and you are doing GREAT! Angie will be very happy with you! She may get after you about the wine though
Good luck as the summer continues. I, too, find that gatherings are the hardest. I don't have any ideas on how to make them any easier, except that when you can, make sure you take something that you know you can safely eat. One thing that I hear a lot from "older" post ops, is that when you get to goal, you will be able to eat more normally, just much smaller amounts. As long as "normal" is healthy (and not reverting to junk), I don't see why that would be a problem. But, I have no experience in that yet. Good luck and enjoy summer. J.

I hope Angie's happy! Gatherings really are hard because that's when you notice how much you used to eat and you miss the flavor of certain things that you know you can't have. It can get frustrating. I've heard that once you're at goal, you can eat whatever you want but sometimes I really crave milk and or ice cream and milk makes me sick so I stay away. I haven't tried ice cream yet and I'm scared to get my kids DQ in fear that I'll want a bite and regret it!~!
Thanks much lady - I miss the support that you get on this site. I need to be on more often!!
Only 61 pounds......are you
that is amazing!!! Your doing wonderfully!!!! I am not sure who Angie is, but if she is dissapointed shes nuts!!! Glad to hear of all the great things going on and happening....that has got to be nice not having to wear the cpap and having normal BP. Functions can be a bummer......just make sure you have a lot around to drink and keep ya busy(like water or s/f drinks).......when you are a little farther out a glass of wine here and there isn't gonna hurt ya!!! You are so close to the magic 199.....you will have to let us know when you do it....that was so exciting for me
Keep up the great work and try real hard not to let all the food at the events lead you into snacking....that is my one major regret is that I started snacking.....it is so hard to break that nasty habit again!!! Take Care....good luck, and congrats again you are doing awesome

Yeah - I'm loco! I just don't know where everyone else is at their 3 mos. checkup and I don't want to disappoint Angie (My surgeon's PAC). Gatherings do suck...I find myself snacking to see how I'll do with regular foods. I can never eat much at all in one sitting. Snacking on good foods seems to work better for me. But I found the low fat Doritos and I have a few of those here and there every once in awhile. I try to stick with protein choices and stay away from sugar and carbs. I don't really crave sugar like I thought I would. I miss the flavor but I know it'll make me sick so just seeing it makes me nauseous (sp).
thanks for your support Jesi!!! I miss this site!!!!
Thanks Shelli! And you're getting close to your date now aren't you?!?! I feel like I should be losing more weight but I also need to start exercising too! I only work out in our pool in the summer!!!
When is your surgery date? I started smoking again! I know - I'm horrible but I think it's an oral fixation. If it's not food it's cigarettes!!
Fill me in on how you've been!
Hey Jen!! I am still not smoking and I am still waiting to start my pre-op. My name is still sitting on someone's desk in the financial dept. I assume anyway. It is getting very frustrating. I just want to get the surg. over with!!!!! ( especially before school starts)
Hopefully you will have some luck quitting the ciggerettes once you get closer goal.
I think you are doing really good!!
Morning Jen

on your loss. ONLY???? 61 lbs, you are doing FANTASTIC
Remember you can't go by what other's have lost & compare yourself. Everybody is different.
Last year for our Family Reunion I was around 6 weeks out so took "my" own food, the chocolate cake they had actually looked sickening to me. And when I went to Florida & we went to a buffet to eat it made me sick looking at the amount of food everyone was piling on their plates! All I could think of was how much I use to eat! It's hard at gatherings cuz all the stuff is basically junk foods & not healthy ones. I still take my own food to gatherings tell the hostess I'm not being a snob by bringing my own but find there are a lot of foods I can't tolerate. If they know you have had surgery most times people will understand & not be offended.
Keep up the good work

Well look at your beautiful picture!!! That's cool! You look awesome!!! I just cut 6 and a half inches off my hair. Needed a new do with all these changes!
Gatherings do suck - but I've learned what I can and can't have. My hardest time of the day is at night when the kids are in bed and we're sitting up watching TV. I feel I should snack and it's right before bed so it's definitly not ideal. I do tolerate popcorn well so that's great fiber. But going out to eat has lost its fun. So has family gatherings. But that's okay because I spend too much money anyway on food - well I used to.
thanks for all your support - I will be on more often.