What is everyone up to???? Where is everyone????
Been kinda quiet around here again......where is everyone hiding?? I am doing okay.....feeling bloated and kinda gross......I am up a couple pounds
I am working on it tho......just kinda stressed out and crazy around here.....I need a few days of R&R.....I just wi**** were that easy! I need some suggestions on some good books to read or something.....like the self help kind or soemthing......I need a good postiivie motivator right now! This morning was beautiful....nice and chilly and clear.....I grabbed my cup of steamy hot coffee and headed out to my swing/rocker thing.......one side is kinda loose, so I sat on the other side...........BOOOOOOMMMMMM the whole thing went crashing down hot coffee all over my legs.......I was
to say the least.....yesterday my lovely
girls had turned the swing completely upside down to use as a fort.....they must have broke it or something....I was NOT a happy camper......I don't know if it could have been worse...a bloated cranky woman BREAKING a whole entire swing.....can't get any better than that......I guess it did, I also got burnt by my coffee
!!!! So to say the least.....I am pissy and I have a nasty headache....I hope this is not a sign of how my day will be
I just have a lot on my plate right now and needed to vent........WE need to have a get together soon and meet and have fun!!!! Well thanks for letting me vent.....I hope to hear everyone is doing a lot better than me........so everyone take care and have a good day.....I will try my darndest to turn this day around....heading to the gym this am!!!!!

Hey Jesi,
Hope your day gets better! Mine is just filled with stress and worrisome thoughts. Don't know which one is worse.. Worrying yourself to death or getting burnt by hot coffee!
Been to tired to even sit at the computer and 'talk'. Hope your workout relieves some of your stress for the day!!
Tracie S..
2 days n counting..

Hey there! Damn...sounds like a crap morning for you! Sorry! I have been so busy outside enjoying our pool. I spend so much time in it. The weather has been so wonderful for pool owners! I have a nice tan already too!!
I'm down to 202 and holding. I started at 263. My 3 month check up is on July 6th. I hope I've lost enough for Angie to be happy!!! I have not started a work out program yet...yes I know!!! I'm horrible. I just don't have time to get to the gym in the summer. I am wearing clothes that I haven't worn in over 2 years tho!!! Whoo hoo!!! I eat all sorts of thing but I know that when I try something that doesn't agree with me, I steer clear of it! I got sick from eating Triscuits...I think I ate too many. When I puked it hurt to get it out. I think this wad of wheat had created a stopper in my plug. Oh it sucked!!! I can't have anything with sugar in it. It all has to be sugar free or I'll have the scoots for a couple of hours.
All in all, I'm enjoying losing the weight but mentally it's a constant struggle. Food is so social and staying away from social gatherings in the summer is way too hard for me. I've started smoking again
Yes I am very bad. But I find that I'm bored and need something to do, so instead of eat, I smoke. I hate it and I need to quit again. My husband smokes too though and getting him to quit is like taking candy away from my 2 year old!!!
Miss y'all,