Pre-op appt today
Very tired tonight, it's been a long day. Just wanted to let everyone know I had my pre-op testing done today and everything came out awesome! Passed my carbon monoxide test also!!
Since I'm around my mom who smokes like a chimeny that was one thing that concerned me. Will find out the exact time I have to be there Thursday so I'll let ya'll know.
Going to
Tracie S..
3 days n counting!!

Thank you Lori, I need all the thoughts and prayers available, for my nerves if nothing else!
If my wonderous friend Lavonda is home before Friday, she's still in the hospital, she's going to come see me Saturday and will post something saturday night. I'm also going to have my husband call my friend Deb after it's over so she can know also and maybe post.
Tracie S..
2 days n counting!!

Good deal
Glad to hear all went well!!! It is tiring tho....I remember all that......just physically and emotionally draining!!! Don't worry your gonna be able to rest soon
Only two days exciting!!!! Sending well wishes your way for a smooth surgery with a super speedy recovery
Take Care

Thanks Jesi, It's always nice to hear from you, you look absolutely wonderous!
I don't know which is worse being tired or being anxious. I think this waiting and nerves are really taking a toll on my body and mind, I've felt absolutely drained for the past few days. I know rest is on the way tho!
Thanks for your prayers..
Tracie S..
2 days n counting!!