Any good weekend plans
We aren't up to much this weekend.......gonna stay close to home and work on the yard and stuff.....we are going to power wash the deck and back fence.....we need to stain the fence and touch-up stain the deck. It seems like a GREAT weekend to be outside. My tummy is still bugging me from my ulcer......I tell ya what, I am not gonna be so non-chalant about my ulcer meds anymore....I am taking them everyday whether I feel it or not.....I kinda got into the habit of not taking it for a few months when everything feels fine.....but it is getting harder and harder to get rid of it each time it flares up.......lesson learned....this time it kicked my butt! WOW it has been busy on the boards this week....nice to see! Lets keep Lavonda in our prayers....and Tracie for her upcoming surgery!!! Also lets all congratulate Andrea for her amazing job on the Bix! Also I will keep all the folks close to approval in my thoughts too!!! So sending my best wishes to all of you all
Hope you all have a safe and fun weekend!!! Take Care