Lavonda Cardona in Hospital..
I just got off the phone with Lavonda. At the beginning of the week she started noticing a red swollen area underneath her incision which kept getting worse and worse. She finally got in to see the Dr today up in Grinnell and they have admitted her into the hospital today. They did another leak test thinking it was a leak I suppose but as she was leaving for the Dr's office this morning it burst open and stuff started coming out of that area under her incsion. She had an abcess and is a little dehydrated. She will be in the hospital over night and get to go home tomorrow. I'm just so thankful it wasn't another leak!!!
She still needs our prayers as she is still healing from her two surgeries..
Thanks for all your prayers..
Tracie S..
6 days n couting..
Morning Tracie
Thanks so much for posting this. If you talk to her again please pass on I'm keeping her in my thoughts & prayers. This happened to a friend of mine after her c-section & I was "nurse" to her for several weeks, not a fun thing to go thru but am like you so thankful it wasn't a leak. Give Lavonda my best please.
Carolyn....counting the days with you