First of all, let me apologize for not posting Monday morning roll call and goals. You know, I'm off for the summer and there is always something to do.
The thing that I can't believe is that I was sort of challenged by one of the trainers at the gym to complete the Bix at 6 run/walk last night. It is a practice run in Davenport held each Thursday night to help people prepare for the Bix 7. If you don't know what that is - it's a huge 7 mile race that thousands of people run and walk in. Well, I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I jogged and speed walked the whole 7 miles in one hour 32 minutes and 50 seconds. I know, that's a long time, but it's a hard course, too. There were a lot of hills. I only walked a normal pace for brief periods of time to get my heart rate down a little and then I would speed walk or jog again. I'd say that I jogged at least 1/2 of the race. It just feels so good to be able to do that!!
The trainer that challenged me is named Beth and she teachers a grueling one hour cross training class on Tuesdays and one hour cycling class on Thursdays that my husband and I both do. When she brought up the idea of the Bix at 6, I sort of scoffed and said that I could never do that. She said "Andrea, if you can get through one of my classes, you can get through that race!" I thought about it and thought about it and suppose that I was looking for a new challenge, so I decided to do it.
I went to the gym first, to lift weights last night and saw Beth and told her that I was going. I told everyone jokingly to look for the person that the news caught on tape who passed out halfway through the race. Beth told me that she had faith in me that I could do it. She asked me what I was doing a year ago and I said that I was walking 4 miles a day to prepare for the Moonlight Chase race. However, it was not at the pace that I am doing now. She then asked what I was doing 2 years ago. I kinda giggled and said that I was sitting on the couch eating M & M's and drinking tea and watching tv. She proved her point that I am better fit than I have EVER been! I never would have thought that I could be doing this sort of cardio!
On a side note, it's kind of funny- I don't think that my mom realizes how hard of cardio and weight lifting that I do. When I was telling her about the run and how much I hurt afterwards, she said "well, why didn't you just quit halfway through?" I don't think that she fully understands my newfound committment to health. I won't quit halfway through. These changes are for life - my own and that of my family members! OUr eating and activity lifestyles have all changed and I intend to keep working at them for the rest of my life. Thanks for listening and celebrating with me! Here's to our health!!
God bless,
ALLLLLLLRIGHTTTTTTTT Andrea! Wow What an acomplishment! I am so happy for you & proud of you also. I never would be able to do that, walk it, yes, but never jog or run. And I doubt very much if I ever could handle a class such as you describe. You're a better person & more didicated than I am.
Thanks, Carolyn! I guess tha****ching out for the "ticker" makes a difference whether you run or walk, doesn't it? I wear a heart rate monitor and have pushed my heart rate up higher than ever when jogging. I finished the course smart, too - when my heart rate got in the 170's-160's, I would speed walk a few minutes to get it down again. If it dropped below 130's or 140's, I would jog again. It really helped me to keep track of what my body was able and willing to do.
Thanks again for the kudos. By the way, the picture of the new you is beautiful!!! How thin you are! Keep up the good work!
God bless,
Your welcome Andrea
Yep it makes a difference with the ticker, pretty careful about things although I feel great. No extreme heat or cold exercise. Keep up the good work, you are doing great 

Thanks for the compliment, I'm feeling great, feeling much better about myself & LOVE shopping for clothes now, well almost
went to CATO's yesterday & would you believe they have got the cutest clothes now in the plus sizes?! Who would have ever thought there would be? They had the cutest clothes last year on summer clearance I wish I would have bought but what size would I be wearing this summer was the biggest question.
Still plugging away trying to get into the 160's