Hey everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I haven't been on here lately. Well net got shut off. Well quick up date on everyone in my family. My sister had a new addition to her family on June 1st. Miss Lisa Rose made a very early appearance. They had to do an emergancy C-section. But my sister and baby are doing fine. Lisa weighed 7 lbs 12 and half ounces and was 18 1/2 inches long for being 18 days early good size baby.
My kids are at their dad's till the 26th of this month. Don't think I have it easy. I am still going to school. Planning on moving in the next couple weeks. Looking into houses so waiting to hear on the one I love. Helped my friend moved. Got my sisters house ready for the baby.
On some good news my boyfriend's mom introduces me to everyone as his fiance. Well he hasn't asked but has hinted around. We just say someday. So I tease him and say his mom says we are so he better listen to his mom. lol. She is a really cool lady.
Lets see on weight loss I am really at a stand still for a while. I have been really sick and on lots of medications. My back is killing me all the time. Now my stomach hurts all the time so I went to the surgeon and he is watching me for 2 weeks and then he is going to do some testing.
Well I need to get back to studying and to work. I will keep you all up to date on if i am going to get married or not and what the dr says about my stomach. I will try to post more often. I miss everyone very much.......Lynda
Morning Lynda
Hope it's nothing serious going on with you & tummy, be sure to post & let us know. Early congrats if you do get engaged
Not much going on here, weight has been bouncing around up & down 5 lbs. The deal with my house fell thru at last minute was really depressed & started gaining weight, I wasn't eating. Upped the anti depressants & losing what I put on. Even 5 lbs are depressing & it just shows how easy it will be to put back on the weight. Between babysitting the grand-brats (did I say that?!) & working at the bar I keep busy & most times stay out of trouble..hard thing to do!

Sorry for the little hi-jack Lynda.......But Carolyn.....I am kinda slow
but I had no idea the house fell thru
I am so sorry....no wonder you have been bummed!!! Hey that 5lbs sucks....but I have done the same exact thing and it sucks.......it is SO SCARY to realize exactly how easy it truly is to gain
Remember we are all here for ya tho if you do need to vent!!! Take Care and lets work together to get the stress/depression pounds off
Take Care

Great to see ya again......sounds like you are keeping busy! Hope you get to jump on and off here again!! I hope you tummy troubles subside....I too am dealing with tummy issues but mine comes from my ulcer.....still no fun!!! Congrats on the new auntty status too!! Take Care and hope to see ya around more