ok I got a date!!

tytyty Carolyn,its been a bumpy road so far..i am ready for it to start smoothing out,LOL !!I am going to Dr.Tom White in Omaha.I was recomended there by up here when they left!!Too bad Dr. S.didnt stick around another month..I could be done by now,lol oh well,how things where meant to be I guess.I start on a liquid diet on the 8th of August..it seems so far away..I know it will go fast..hopefully,lol...I found the spot for the August birthday's/surgery's on here so that will help..communicating with pple waiting patiently like me,lol
Your new pic is great gf you are lookin good!!! How is the fibro? better I hope!Well take care I will be talking to ya. Lori A.