Need a BIG favor
I know I don't hardly ever post, but I really do read about everyone everyday. I really need a big favor. Tomorrow (Friday the 17th) is Sue O.'s birthday and I was wondering if you all could send her birthday wishes on her profile page? Sue has done so much for me over the last 2 years that I do whatever I can to make her smile.
Hi Elizabeth,
Thank you for remembering me yet again!!! I was sitting here getting kinda depressed. You could not of had better timing!! (something is wrong with the way I worded that, but I can't quite figure it out LOL) I am going to update today, I have learned some things that hopefully enable me to get my ulcers, gastritis and all the other stuff under control. I hope you're doing well and tell the puppies I said HI. THANK YOU!!! Nut

Hey Jesi, I did update my profile last night, I tried to just get the highlights in. LOL I'm soooooo glad I didn't listen to a WLS surgeon
in Omaha I saw. He told me the only option was to reverse my RNY.
I knew that if that was done, I'm be fat again with the same medical
problems. Thanks for asking. Nut