Dumped at work today!! Am I abnormal?????
Okay, here's the deal, I ate two pieces of the six that come with a CarbWatchers Gourmet Sugar-Free Oranges & Creme candy bar this morning. Only 2 pieces - AND sugar-free, mind you! Within not too long, I was ill - classic dumping for me - sweaty, heart beating a little faster, short of breath, stomach feeling like it's in my throat, nauseous..... I had to go up to the air conditioned teacher's lounge to sit up there for almost an hour. AHHHHHHHHHHHH
I haven't had anything with refined sugars in it since surgery, except for peanut butter. I can tolerate p.b. with 3 grams of sugar or less per serving. Heck, I won't even try one of my toddlers animal crackers! But, I dump on some sugar free stuff! Am I just totally weird and abnormal? Do you all dump?
God bless all,
I don't know much about the particular item you ate but does it have sugar alcohol in it. I know even though some things are sugar free or even low in sugar they may contain too high of a sugar alcohol. You may already know that but that is the only thing I can think of. Maybe it was just a quirky thing for you at that particular moment or had you drank something too soon before eating it? I did that once by mistake and boy did I pay for it. Take care
Thanks, Patty. I can handle most sugar alcohols with only some gassy side-affects. Usually, I don't dump. Sometimes, though, I will. It's really weird and one of the reasons that I won't even try sugars. I guess it's truly a blessing because if I knew I could eat them, I wouldn't stop! I know that it wasn't drinking, by the way, because I was too nauseous to drink anything.
Thanks again for the thoughts.
God bless,
You sure you just weren't trying to find an excuse to get out of your hot room to a place you could cool your sweaty thighs? I'm so sorry you dumped. I don't have much trouble with sugar. I can eat a cookie, maybe even two but if I have muchmore I feel really queasy 7 tired. That's as close ot dumping I have ever gotten. I take that back. I ate a Dairy Queen cone, only part of it even, & NEVER AGAIN!
Feel better!
How'd you know that my thighs were hot and sweaty??? EWWWWWw, hot, sweaty, saggy thighs are not a pretty thing! Yep, I dump on the strangest things - Russel Stover things often drive me over the edge, too. It's my addictive personality that keeps drawing me to them, I think.
Dairy Queen, could never do it!!!
Thanks for the thoughts and God bless,
You know me and dumping....it is almost non-existant.....I am like Dixie~ I have to really pu**** and then might feel crappy and need to sleep awhile.....I wish I were more like you tho.....BUT I know you, and I know what happens when you eat that chocolate....as yummy as it is....I think your pouch is just super sensitive and if you didn't have anything in your system the sugar alcohols just hit to hard and fast and tada!!! Poor girl I am sure you are feeling better now, or at least I hope so!!! Work hard, get that room cleaned so you can be outta there!!! Talk to you soon! Take Care Jesi
Jes, You forgot the butt chewin for trying those candy bars again. You know that I have dumped on them before, but it was when I ate a whole one and not just two squares of one. It took about an hour before I felt normal again.
Well, I'm here at school still - could have left at noon, but have to back up the computer and clean off two big bookshelves and the top of my desk and then I'm done.
Can't wait to talk with you soon.
God bless,